a serious bbfs quesiton...really...

Humpty Dumpty's Avatar
i wonder if his avatar means no to condoms, or no-im not magnum size...
hmmmmm.... Originally Posted by MsPrittiKitti

Magnum condoms are but a fraction of inch longer and wider. I know because I used to use condoms back when I was brainwashed by the media. So miss Kitti, you have a nice body. Let's see pics of your face, I bet you are pritti!
i wonder if his avatar means no to condoms, or no-im not magnum size...
hmmmmm.... Originally Posted by MsPrittiKitti
maybe both? its already a double negative with the 'no' and the red '/'
pretty interesting!
i think bb in my private world is just as risque in this world.
i say no thank you to both!
a.i.d.s & k.i.d.s are both 2 things you cant get rid of!

Couldn't agree more! Play safe, kids.
i know. congrats Originally Posted by bubbaJay