Why the border crisis is the exact opposite of Katrina

Why did you feel the need to lie and deceive AssUP? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
This from the same TrendingIdiot who brought us the following thread that he has yet to provide a verifying link to:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another AssUp screaming thread topic that is a lie. The border chaos isn't an EXACT opposite of Katrina. In fact there are many similarities, some of which AssUp acknowledges in his OP.

Why did you feel the need to lie and deceive AssUP? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You are hysterical. You've been caught in so many lies in recent days you figured you'd try and do the same to me. There's ONE MINOR DIFFERENCE:

I posted an OP-ED with the EXACT headline used in the Washington Post. It is not remotely what you claim I did. Not a "screaming thread topic." Nor does it say something different than the post itself. Your accusation is a lie.

You don't have to agree with it, but I did not present the material in a deceptive or false manner. it was presented in a 100 percent accurate and fully documented thread.

You're truly pathetic. And yes, we've caught you in ANOTHER LIE. And it didn't take 20,000+ posts (another of your lies) to make my point. Just a week of paying attention to your blather.

Your lies NEVER stop. Pity you're too stupid to pick your battles better.

Posting emoticons doesn't work...You lied, you got caught in your own lies....how many times is that this week ?

Still waiting for you to explain how the statement in this thread is a lie...........looks like you lied in that thread multiple times... you even lied, to cover up your lies....

This from the same TrendingIdiot who brought us the following thread that he has yet to provide a verifying link to:

Originally Posted by bigtex
Apparently MLK was opposed to illegal immigration. Who wouldn't be. We should be opposed to anything illegal including illegal immigration.


You claimed the border crisis to be exact opposite of Katrina. It is not the EXACT opposite; there are many similarities. If an event shares many similarities, it can't be the EXACT OPPOSITE.

Do you even understand what "exact opposite" means ?

A more honest thread would read: Why The Border Crisis Isn't Similar to Katrina. But you posted a lie and got caught in the lie. Now you try to defend that lie with lies.

You are hysterical. You've been caught in so many lies in recent days you figured you'd try and do the same to me. There's ONE MINOR DIFFERENCE:

I posted an OP-ED with the EXACT headline used on the original. Not remotely what you claim I did. Not a "screaming thread topic." Nor does it say something different than the post itself.

You don't have to agree with it, but I did not present the material in a deceptive or false manner.

You're truly pathetic. And yes, we've caught you in ANOTHER LIE.

Your lies NEVER stop. Maybe if you were a little better educated....

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Posting emoticons doesn't work...You lied, you got caught in your own lies....how many times is that this week ?

Still waiting for you to explain how the statement in this thread is a lie...........looks like you lied in that thread multiple times... you even lied, to cover up your lies....

http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1055551958&postcount=33 Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You're an idiot.

I have repeated my position on this numerous times in numerous threads.

You posted a picture of a horse and said it was a cow.

I lied to cover my lies? That's just silly. Prove any of that. You can't. Better call in the I-team to clean up your mess.

You're not jerking my chain, asshole. You're JERKING OFF!

Now you try to deflect from your lies with sarcasm....isnt' working Dipshit.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You claimed the border crisis to be exact opposite of Katrina. It is not the EXACT opposite; there are many similarities. If an event shares many similarities, it can't be the EXACT OPPOSITE.

Do you even understand what "exact opposite" means ?

A more honest thread would read: Why The Border Crisis Isn't Similar to Katrina. But you posted a lie and got caught in the lie. Now you try to defend that lie with lies. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Did you read the story? That was its headline. I made no claim. I copied a story (AN ENTIRE STORY, NOT JUST THE WORDS THAT SUITED ME, LIKE YOU DO) from the Washington Post. Call them liars if you want. But I committed no deception. I put it out there for discussion. In true fashion, you attack me rather than discussing the content of the post.

You're a fucking moron. You're arguing with the content by calling me a liar?

If you weren't grasping for lifelines, you would be able to tell the difference. But NOOOOOO.

Keep your drivel coming and wear thick soled shoes, Whir-LIE-turd! We will be holding your feet to the fire.
LexusLover's Avatar
Do you even understand what "exact opposite" means ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Of course, he doesn't. Example:

Enfield Drug is on the East side of West Lynn in Austin, Texas. Clarksville begins about a block WEST of West Lynn in Austin. Clarksville is on the EXACT OPPOSITE side of West Lynn than Enfield Drug, ...

.. .and YouRong thinks Enfield Drug is IN CLARKSVILLE. Here's THE CITY MAP!


See the website designation: "austintexas.gov" .... Just think ... It's a GOVERNMENT PUBLISHED MAP ... and he doesn't believe it ......

..... glad he doesn't fly his own plane !!!!!!
It is a step forward that you admit you to perpetuating the lie, by posting the lie as if it is true.

A second grader would recognize that the 2 events can't be EXACT opposites.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Now you try to deflect from your lies with sarcasm....isnt' working Dipshit. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Like you'd be able to detect sarcasm.

Point out MY lies and deceit. Not there.

You're the biggest liar in this board. You've gotten thousands of passes in it because people don't want to waste their time calling you on it. No wonder you're so butt hurt. I'm calling you on it now because, quite frankly, I'm bored.

BTW -- you claimed I had 20,000+ posts. Are you blind and stupid, along with being a liar?
It is a step forward that you admit to perpetuating the lie, by posting the lie as if it is true.

A second grader would recognize that the 2 events can't be EXACT opposites.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It is a step forward that you admit to perpetuating the lie, by posting the lie as if it is true.

A second grader would recognize that the 2 events can't be EXACT opposites. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You are truly an imbecile.

Obama could do that immediately with his pen. But he wants to flood America with dependent minorities who will suck up public assistance and drain the treasury...It is Obama's (and Democrats) way of weakening America. We won't be able to support our military and drastic cuts will be made to pay for Obama's malfeasance.

Here is the "cheat sheets" given to minors crossing the border:

The sheet has handwritten notes about the appropriate “yes” or “no” answers to the questions, along with some jotted personal notes on what to say to U.S. authorities. They include, “Who did you live with?” and the answer, “My aunt, but she crossed the border.” …

Among the printed statements in Spanish on the sheet are:

• Why did you abandon your country?

• Because of poverty and misery.

• You’re in fear of your government and afraid to live in your country.

• You’re afraid of extortion from Maras [MS-13 gang].

• Do you have family in the United States?

• Is this the first time you’ve come into this country?

• Did you swim across the river?

• Somebody told you that if you brought a minor child into the United States you can stay. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
the president can strike a law passed by both house away with the stroke of a pen? Some good shit you got 'eh whirrly?
the president can strike a law passed by both house away with the stroke of a pen? Some good shit you got 'eh whirrly? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
He started this shit with his fucking pen. He can fix it with his fucking pen.