Politician vs. Pile of Shit = Same Thing

Iaintliein's Avatar
The problem isn't religion, or even Marxism. The problem is fanaticism that drives state-ism. The leftists who want the government (taxpayer) to provide every thing for everyone from cradle to grave are no different at a fundamental level than the religious right.

Both want to use government as a blunt instrument to impose their world view on others. Neither of these groups, nor the political parties they belong to have ever in living memory espoused bringing more freedom and liberty to the American people. Only more taxes, more police, more bureaucracy.

One group wants to borrow money from China to give away to other countries to satisfy their ego and assuage their lame class guilt. The other group wants to borrow money from China to march around the world as it's uber cop to "free" other peoples. . . while building a huge industry by imprisoning our own.

Libertarianism is the only political philosophy that actually promotes liberty. And the only way to stop the police state, at all levels of government, is to strip it of funding. Vote out every sob that raises taxes or debt instead of cutting spending, starting with the Dallas county commissioners.

There are plenty of religious nuts in the TEA movement, but they do not and will not control it. Check out many of the conservative websites and note the number of comments about promoting Libertarian views on social issues.
Rome did the same thing we are doing, it collapsed under it's own weight.
jdean208's Avatar
Like dirty diapers, elected politicians must be changed frequently, and for the same reasons.
pmdelites's Avatar
just now seeing this thread.

i'll be interested to see how the newly elected tea party backed candidates act once they are in office. will they remain fiercely pissed off and want to change? or will they get assimilated like most elected reps and senators?

roger daltry was prescient when he sang "look at the new boss. same as the old boss."

i'd run for public office, but i've got way too many skeletons in my closet that i cant afford to let see the light of day. [maybe the flickering candles of a woman's incall, but not daylight]