
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
A calendar feature here would be great. Most of my clients book 3-6 weeks ahead of time, so I don't think you have to be in the city you're advertising for the same week you post the ad. I start advertising way ahead of time. I think you just must be planning to visit. And that five city limit thing too. I don't like that. I'm visiting eleven cities in the south soon so even if I only posted for each one every other week I couldn't actually advertise in all of them. Luckily they can all be in my signature.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-15-2014, 07:04 AM
I travel almost constantly so to some degree I can understand the OP.

It doesn't bother me that a lady posts in multiple forums, advertizing her visits. But I do find it annoying when there are serious contradictions or outdated information. If I follow her post to her web site, I would like to see a calender on the web site--and if there IS a calender, PLEASE keep it up to date.

I recently wrote to a lady who had a post on here saying she was in City X from Oct 1st-10th. I was going to be there then, and wrote to her to schedule a date.

Her reply--in a very irritated tone--said, "I'm not in city X, I'm here in Y (1,000 miles away)".

I wrote back and said, "My bad. You still have a post up saying you are visiting X. You may want to update that.", and I included the link to her ECCIE post.

Her reply was basically, "You idiot, I am in Y. Quit wasting my time!". Her erroneous post is still up.

I am sure I will not wast her time in the future.
Zoey is among the few that keeps her calendar up to date and I appreciate some one that does that. If more of the ladies kept their calendar up to date we would head for that when checking her schedule.
Thanks Zoey
my schedule varies now unless i have "firm" travel or availability locally.i used to only have wednesday& thursdays by choice & it was no issue. but now, the gents want within 5 minutes, 40-50$ dates, or theyre extra paranoid.... starting to feel like im gonna consider days off from school & RW work as travel dates....
Mami what the hell do they think you are the 7/11? I would never think of requesting an appointment in just a few minutes or even hours. I try to schedule out a month in most cases.