George Bush, the decider in chief

lustylad's Avatar
Iraq was destined to turn into a shithole the minute we left regardless who was occupying the White House. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Tell me something - why didn't Eisenhower pull 100% of our troops out of Korea back in 1953? After all, Korea was Truman's war. What do you think would have happened if Ike had just washed his hands of it and walked away? Would South Korea be the success it is today?
lustylad's Avatar
Assup fix me a drink. then clean my toilet. Originally Posted by IBS
Assup is the cabana boy of eccie. He also does windows.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Iraq was destined to turn into a shithole the minute we left regardless who was occupying the White House. You can't wipe away centurys of religious based hate in a decade.

Saddam kept his boot on the necks of the fanatics, as does Assad in Syria. The minute we help dispose of Assad, Syria will also turn into a religious based cess pool as well.

For the life of me, I cannot see the difference in being lined against the wall in the name of Despotism, or in the name of Religion. Your dead either way. Originally Posted by Jackie S

George Bush recognized that but Barry has yet to come to terms. He thinks he can still talk his way out it.

You know the left has always tried to blame Bush for 9/11. They like to say that Clinton left a game plan behind to fix it but Bush ignored it. No game plan was every found and Clinton never said that he left on behind. The only thing relevant to 9/11 was a small briefing document from years earlier that Clinton did not take too seriously (or he would have done something about it). Here we have video proof that Bush called it right on the money, even made a public statement about it, and Barry found himself surprised that all this happened because he failed (and Hillary) to get a status of forces agreement because he didn't want one.

I know the left want to cry, gnash their teeth, point to something else, and use homophobic slurs because they have NOTHING left. Obama's failure is complete.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Is this another Blame Clinton thread?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-06-2014, 06:10 PM
Too bad Bush's crystal ball didn't work so well when he went INTO Iraq.
Too bad Bush's crystal ball didn't work so well when he went INTO Iraq. Originally Posted by Old-T
I am sure the irony of your statement sailed wayyyyyyy over their heads.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-06-2014, 08:25 PM
Too bad Bush's crystal ball didn't work so well when he went INTO Iraq. Originally Posted by Old-T
No shit

There is no winning for our country's overall health when it comes to Iraq. Only a select few have profited from that boondoggle.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
No shit

There is no winning for our country's overall health when it comes to Iraq. Only a select few have profited from that boondoggle. Originally Posted by WTF
and they should give back the profits out of shame from war profiteering...
if they believe in a war, they should do it at cost
No shit

There is no winning for our country's overall health when it comes to Iraq. Only a select few have profited from that boondoggle. Originally Posted by WTF
Halliburton comes to mind.
Halliburton comes to mind. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yeah. Halliburton. Those dirty rotten bastards. What the hell was that dumbass SOB Clinton thinking when he awarded those sons a' bitches no bid contracts in Kosovo.

Oh wait, I'm sorry. I apologize. Its only wrong when its a Republican doing it. What was I thinking?
Yeah. Halliburton. Those dirty rotten bastards. What the hell was that dumbass SOB Clinton thinking when he awarded those sons a' bitches no bid contracts in Kosovo.

Oh wait, I'm sorry. I apologize. Its only wrong when its a Republican doing it. What was I thinking? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I must have hit a nerve sins, maybe I should have mentioned Custer Battles instead.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-07-2014, 12:55 PM
Yeah. Halliburton. Those dirty rotten bastards. What the hell was that dumbass SOB Clinton thinking when he awarded those sons a' bitches no bid contracts in Kosovo.

Oh wait, I'm sorry. I apologize. Its only wrong when its a Republican doing it. What was I thinking? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Let's see the difference:

Was Clinton's VP the former CEO of Halliburton when the contracts were let for Kosivo? Was it a former CEO who insisted that Halliburton get those Kosivo contracts without competition?

A decision to obligate billions of government dollars without competition is sometimes necessary. When the person doing the obligating sends those billions to their friends and business associates--that is a bit different, don't you think?
lustylad's Avatar
Was it a former CEO who insisted that Halliburton get those Kosivo contracts without competition? Originally Posted by Old-T

It's spelled Kosovo.

Do you have any evidence that Cheney directly intervened as VP in the awarding of any Iraq war contracts and "insisted" that they go to Halliburton? This would have been a serious ethical breach and a violation of federal government public service rules. Democrats would have jumped all over it, if indeed it had occurred.
Let's see the difference:

Was Clinton's VP the former CEO of Halliburton when the contracts were let for Kosivo? Was it a former CEO who insisted that Halliburton get those Kosivo contracts without competition?

A decision to obligate billions of government dollars without competition is sometimes necessary. When the person doing the obligating sends those billions to their friends and business associates--that is a bit different, don't you think? Originally Posted by Old-T

Put Your words where your mouth is... Old-Trollop... go in and resign on Monday!