New Video of Ray Rice Punch.....Ravens Release Him

The NFL is culturally insensitive. I believe most of the incidents involve black players. Yeah, Rice was on my fantasy team.

BTW, supposedly in the vids (before the knockout punch) when Rice walks up to her and she tags him, it's because he spat on her. Kinda hard to catch due to the stuttering recording.

Yep. All a disgruntled girlfriend or wife has to do is say, "he hit me", and the player will be guilty until he can prove himself innocent.

It is sort of like a "sword of Damocles" hanging over the head of every player. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Correct. In many places like Vegas a domestic disturbance is called in the police are obligated to haul one party to jail. The NFLPA needs to step up on this issue. This incident happened in a casino. I wouldn't be surprised that alcohol and money losses were involved.
JCM800's Avatar
Once this asshole goes through the "year long crying on every talk show" tour ...some team next season that's desperate for a RB will be giving this guy a call.

He'll be back.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Won't take a year.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-08-2014, 07:43 PM
You boys is seriously fucked up. Are y'all defending Ray Rice?


How many of you nimrods have ever struck a woman?

I haven't. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'm not defending RR but the punishment should fit the crime.
Ray walked over to the other side of the elevator away from her and she lunged at him. This was after she swung at him twice. As far as I know, Ray Rice has never been in trouble with the law before.

But never hit a woman...even if she's coming at you with a knife or a Mercedez
Yssup Rider's Avatar
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-08-2014, 08:22 PM
Damn Feminist want equality until they actually get it!

What if this had been Michael Sam and his boyfriend, JL?

If Sams punched JewishLawyer after JL took a swing at him what would the league do?

Sadly, some team likely WILL hire him. And if he performs well that team's fans will applaud him.

Barry Bonds was blindly adored in SF. Originally Posted by Old-T
Once this asshole goes through the "year long crying on every talk show" tour ...some team next season that's desperate for a RB will be giving this guy a call.

He'll be back. Originally Posted by JCM800
To bad he isn't a QB, the Cowboys could use a new one. And old Jerry Jones wouldn't give a shit what happen in the past or the future.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not defending RR but the punishment should fit the crime. Originally Posted by WTF
What should his punishment be, WPF? He knocked his GF out cold. A different angle, or a different fall, she could have been killed. He didn't care, he just hit her as hard as he could. So, WPF, what should the punishment be?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-09-2014, 12:57 AM
What should his punishment be, WPF? He knocked his GF out cold. A different angle, or a different fall, she could have been killed. He didn't care, he just hit her as hard as he could. So, WPF, what should the punishment be? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I thought you were a lawyer? He did not kill her and it is pure speculation on your part whether he cared or not.

The best place to decide his punishment was the court. They have gathered all the facts....not the panty wanty court of public opinion that you seem to have fallen to. I hope the players association appeals the voiding of his contract. ..the Ravens have ever right to cut him but the voiding of his contract is something else all together absent of a conviction.

Correct me if I'm wrong but he has yet to be convicted except by emotional bitchs like yourself.
In the world of public opinion, I makes no difference what she did, short of brandishing a weapon. She could hit him, spit on him, kick at him, it makes no difference. He can not hit her. Period. He has to retreat.

That is just the way it is. Men don't hit women.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Ray Rice is gone from the NFL. His wife will likely divorce him now that he has no income. Will he be welcomed back in the NFL? I have no idea.

The more important story in this saga is the NJ Prosecutor Jim McClain who didn't criminally charge Price, giving him a pass on the assault - pre trail intervention program (i.e. sensitivity training).

But the same NJ prosecutor is criminally charging a Pennsylvania woman (Shaneen Allen) who accidentally traveled to NJ with a legal handgun. The same prosecutor wants to put this first time offender, law abiding mother of 2 young children in prison for doing nothing other than accidentally crossing into NJ with a legal handgun. A gun she was legally permitted to carry in PA. A gun she purchased for self defense. A woman who never assaulted anyone, who has no criminal record, who has 2 young children that depend on her. She faces a minimum of 3 years in prison. Rice walks away free.

Prosecutor McClain denied Allen's request to enter the same pre-trial program Rice was allowed to enter. McClain wants Allen to serve hard time in a state prison.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
What gets me about all this is...

They already knew he knocked her out and he was punished already. Whether the punishment was appropriate or not is debatable.

Now this video comes out and everyone freaks out again that he hit her.

What did they think the first time they saw her conscience? That he farted in a closed elevator?

I'm not defending his actions...He should have been kicked out after the first video. I'm just pointing out how reactionary everyone else gets.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What bothers me is that this is a big, strong athlete and he can't even pick her up properly and carry her? Whats with all the dragging? Sean Connery would have just slung her up over his shoulder and walked away with his "drunk" girlfriend.