a question for the guys

bluffcityguy's Avatar
Before doing this, I tried to be a Sugardaddy to a 24-year-old. The first month was great until I started getting 3 -4 calls and 8-10 texts a day saying she needed some money for this or that. I decided to try this and quickly realized how much better an idea it was to see "professional" escorts. You get to have a "date" and see the best side of a lady for 1-2 hours, then go home with no "I love you" calls the next day. I was hooked, changed my cell phone number and never looked back. Originally Posted by pipefitter73
Point well taken, though it seems that BFR has found a lady who represents a nice, happy medium: reasonably available, yet not demanding.

I repeat: "lucky bastard"...


bcg (smiling as he says that...)
shagnthor's Avatar
Exclusivity equals Monogamy. I like to be select, but not exclusive. I'm not certain the male of our species was meant to be monogamous.
PAPA JOE's Avatar
Hey guys I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and wanted some input...I know men like selection....but if you had the opportunity to an arrangement with one female and only one female would you do or ask her to be exclusive with you and only you in an agreeable preset arrangement?? I am curious. Have a wicked day..i am going to post this is a few different areas to see what the general opinion is.... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
hi sexxy !!! it's been way too long !!!

now to the question:
you know me, i'm a man slut, variety is the spice of life !! i am never going to be exclusive to one lady, so i would never ask a lady to be exclusive with me, it wouldn't be fair to her.
. The first month was great until I started getting 3 -4 calls and 8-10 texts a day saying she needed some money for this or that.. Originally Posted by pipefitter73

Every Gents worst nightmare. No gents wants to get a call out of the blue.
Mine was more of The Last Tango in Paris. We only corresponded by e-mail and I don't think she even knows my last name. Always her apartment and way too good to be true. The reason I haven't posted a review in over a year.
Every Gents worst nightmare. No gents wants to get a call out of the blue.
Mine was more of The Last Tango in Paris. We only corresponded by e-mail and I don't think she even knows my last name. Always her apartment and way too good to be true. The reason I haven't posted a review in over a year. Originally Posted by Bigfatrat

Man that was was way to freaky of a post last night. Get a load of today's Yahoo news.

bluffcityguy's Avatar
Man that was was way to freaky of a post last night. Get a load of today's Yahoo news.

http://blog.movies.yahoo.com/blog/54...er-has-died?nc Originally Posted by Bigfatrat
Life is full of little coincidences like that.

Sad about Ms. Schneider. She really deserved a much more prominent career than what she wound up with.


Never ending quest for $$ gets ridiculous, and is gross turn off. We parted on reasonably good terms, but I would not try it again unless woman was in school or other training for other career. Worst is sb with new baby and real father a dead beat. Poor thing needed to visit dhs about dead beat dad. Even if dad is in slammer they sometimes take out $$ for support for child.