Following the yellow brick road!

Bigd1988's Avatar
Where do i apply? I'd wind up owing. Or we'd never get anywhere.
kendra kayy's Avatar
I want to do the east coast then the west. I'm really starting to like traveling. I want to buy a RV and travel, think of the places a person could go with a RV. Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y

The possibilities are endless! I've only been to the east coast once before, I can only imagine all the fun to be had!
DallasRain's Avatar
they betyter get ready for the Nebraska tornado passing thru---wooohooo go get em sexy!
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I think the 3 of us should go. Dallas, Kendra and I. The world would never be the same!
Just thinking about driving and going to look for Merica. That would be an experience way out of anything I have ever had. And I am an adrenaline junkie.
kendra kayy's Avatar
I think the 3 of us should go. Dallas, Kendra and I. The world would never be the same! Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
Im totally game Lady Y!!!
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Im totally game Lady Y!!! Originally Posted by kendra kayy
Just thinking about driving and going to look for Merica. That would be an experience way out of anything I have ever had. And I am an adrenaline junkie. Originally Posted by oldguy57
Lets do it, Oldguy can be our driver
kendra kayy's Avatar
Oldguy is in for an adventure!
DallasRain's Avatar
If I was able to--I would go! Have fun for me baby!!
Hey, dammit, I wanna drive!! I'd only ask for a little lollipopping and some voyeurism along the way. Oh, can I bring my golf clubs for when you're busy ???
oldmanoftheroad's Avatar
Hey, dammit, I wanna drive!! I'd only ask for a little lollipopping and some voyeurism along the way. Oh, can I bring my golf clubs for when you're busy ??? Originally Posted by schmuckenputz
X2... I could be a "relief driver"!! I never got to add my 2 cents yet!! sheesh!

X2... I could be a "relief driver"!! I never got to add my 2 cents yet!! sheesh!

Originally Posted by oldmanoftheroad
Back off dudes. Eyyyooowwwww <assumes karate stance>

I offered first.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
How about you all take turns driving... Touring will be all year long and if any of you were gone for a year your wives might not like it. lol
So you can each do 2 weeks at a time.
First we need a mobil home..... Cheap.....
JCM800's Avatar
First we need a mobil home..... Cheap..... Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
What about a truckster?

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Sounds like a blast. I haven't toured in a couple years and have been thinking of putting some thing together myself. Some where with warmer weather sounds fantastic right now!
Originally Posted by kendra kayy
If you want to go, I will be starting in January. Leaving heading through Missouri, Tennessee, south Carolina, Georgia, ect... Figure 1 to 2 weeks in each state.