Why Tatoo's?

This topic has been addressed ad nauseum here previously and if I recall there was no single reason. If I go down to the gym in my neighbor hood here in HP its just all kind of conformity. All of the trainers and Asians got their tats. Then you got the retired Navy Seals, obviously at the top of the heap.
And then you have the gay Oak Lawn work out buddies with some of the zaniest ink you've ever seen! lol
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
BigJ...I felt the same way until I played with the LOVELY Aprill, y. Originally Posted by planojim
Same here.
the pragmatist's Avatar
"None of these explain why a person would get a tattoo. I think it's a legitimate question."

Actually, I don't think it is a legitimate question. The question implies judgementalism and condescension. It is a matter of personal choice and individual taste, it harms no one (but the tattoo'ed). If your question is "Why would "I" get a tattoo?" then THAT is a legitimate question. If you want to engage in a conversation as to why an individual got a tattoo, go right ahead and pose the question. Or accept this as a simple, but succinct answer. "Because they were over 18 and wanted to at the time!"
billw1032's Avatar
Actually, I don't think it is a legitimate question. The question implies judgementalism and condescension. Originally Posted by the pragmatist
I have to disagree with this. I read it as a genuine attempt to understand someone else's point of view. Probably many points of view, actually, as I assume that reasons vary. But 18 posts later no one seems to have made any attempt to help the OP (or others) increase understanding.
Why tattoo? Maybe:
To tag (own) a Provider.
To cover up a scar.
In rememberance of somebody.
It's like jewelry.
And...because they want to.
Roger.Smith's Avatar
I have to disagree with this. I read it as a genuine attempt to understand someone else's point of view. Probably many points of view, actually, as I assume that reasons vary. But 18 posts later no one seems to have made any attempt to help the OP (or others) increase understanding. Originally Posted by billw1032
It has been explained, the reason is because they can. That's all the explanation that's needed. Why do people get things pierced, why do they color their hair, cut their hair a certain way? Because they can.

A lot of times the tattoo question is asked by someone that doesn't like tattoos, and they're looking for someone to justify to them why someone would get so they can argue a counterpoint.
Grace Preston's Avatar
None of these explain why a person would get a tattoo. I think it's a legitimate question. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I'll answer.

In my case, as elder stateswoman as I tend to be now, I was once a rebellious kid. My tattoo is essentially my "I'm 18 and you aren't the boss of me!!!" statement.

I only have one-- and I disliked the experience and would likely not get another one. Mine was youthful folly. Other ladies have some deep personal attachment to each tattoo-- still others get "addicted" because yes.. for some it is an addiction.

There are many varied reasons for it. Some as silly as my reason, and others very deep and personal. You aren't likely to get many legitimate answers because body art in general tends to be a very personal choice.
  • EZ.
  • 12-04-2014, 08:33 AM
I promised my Grandmother, who raised me, that I wouldn't get a tattoo when I was leaving to Vietnam. Everyone, in my unit, except for me, had an inverted arrowhead tattoo on their chests. At a reunion, swimming at the hotel pool, I saw a couple of those. You could only make out the shape. You couldn't make out the letters at the top and the rest was just a glob. This is a pretty simple design.
Can someone please explain why BEAUTIFUL ladies get tatoo's? Help me understand? Originally Posted by BigJonson
Sometimes, tats can be a symbol of something out of your comprehension and too personal to let you know why she has them. I agree somewhat that a beautiful body should not be covered in tats, but a few well placed inconspicuous ones are fine. But, it is her body and she can do with it what she wants, if you have a problem with them, move on and do not contact her. I doubt she will remove the tats if you give her an ultimatum to do so or you will not spend your money on her.

It is the lady herself not the tattoos that make the person.
  • EZ.
  • 12-04-2014, 08:46 AM
I'm used to the tats but don't pierce the kitty.
Bob the Nailer's Avatar
First of all, it's "tattoos" and secondly, it is their body. Thirdly, if they decide to tattoo their lovely bodies, it will always attract some men and repulse others based on personal preference or prejudices.

Pretty easy to deal with. If you like the lady and her BODY ART, go see her, if not move on.
I dunno about tats, but I had a cat once with 6 toes and I thought that was kinda weird. I learned from that experience never to ask "why?".
I have 11 tattoos, each is placed in a spot where if I'm wearing clothes out & about, you wouldn't be able to see them, each of mine has a story, and a very significant reason why I got it where they are on my body. It's my art that I want to show off(: Most of the time, I'm naked so, everybody can enjoy my Butterfly(:
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 12-04-2014, 11:39 AM
BigJ...I felt the same way until I played with the LOVELY Aprill, and then the ULTIMATE Olivia Nin! All were lovely ladies. Olivia (now out of the hobby) was the BEST provider/lover I have EVER had in my 52yrs. Both had lots of tattoos on their bodies.
Bottom Line: It's only art body art work that's an expression of her personality and it DOESN'T take away from her performance in ANY way. Originally Posted by planojim
PlanoJ I agree with you entirely on your comments. That said, these two ladies are the exception to the rule in my opinion as for tattoos...Aprill and Olivia...are just great in general as people..
But, I prefer little to NO ink....of course its their body and yet a legit question by the OP. I think the ladies with no tats have set themselves part from the rest for sure. I will gladly pay the premium!
Ok, let's reverse this.....
Why do guys get tattoos? Or better yet, why "don't" guys get tattoos?

It is THAT individual's personal reason. For what ever reason, that reason may be.

I have 1 between my shoulder blades and was 36 yrs old when I got it, AND stone cold sober!

I had no intention on getting one when I did, but was with a friend hanging out one day while she was getting one of hers touched up. I saw it. liked it, so I got it. No biggy. Hell I forget I have it sometimes until someone comments on it and still, the only time you can see it is when I'm wearing a bikini, backless shirt, or your fucking me from behind

So, when I'm 87 years old and little wrinkly, you still won't be able to see it unless I'm wearing a bikini top, backless shirt or your fucking me from behind...same as it is today.

And I'm thinking at 87...a bikini, backless shirt probably won't be in my clothing attire. And if I'm still fucking at 87, well then....