they can never be except what they are

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
This would not be true. If you advertise anywhere on the WWW you cannot have a no review policy here regardless of whether you are a member or not. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Rule 29 appears to read a bit different than your above comment. But perhaps I'm not reading that correctly.

But for stalkers, trolls, etc. Not feeding them is best
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Reviews are property of It's that simple. Once they're up they stay up. A non Verified provider may tell her gents not to post reviews but she may NOT have a review removed that's already posted.
A Verified Provider Must allow reviews to maintain Verified provider status.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Thank you for the clarification Marcus.
Love the avatar btw
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Thanks, soon to change, Christmas is over.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Rule 29 appears to read a bit different than your above comment. But perhaps I'm not reading that correctly.

But for stalkers, trolls, etc. Not feeding them is best Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Right- Rule 29 has nothing to do with what was said. We've talked plenty among staff and if they advertise they can be reviewed. Now there are some exceptions for massage therapist but that's a whole different subject.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Right- Rule 29 has nothing to do with what was said. We've talked plenty among staff and if they advertise they can be reviewed. Now there are some exceptions for massage therapist but that's a whole different subject. Originally Posted by CryptKicker
Agreed, I simply saw a blanket statement that did not consider a known exception.
12blue4u's Avatar
If you had read rule 34 it states that Rule 29 can be superseded by rule 25.5 but only when all members partake of a Vulcan mind melt or whatever Spock did.

Oh and the blanket response to someone who has abdicated the death of a female politician in their posts "needs to be moved to the political forum" Are you shitting me. Does anyone stand up for anything on here? When is calling for the death of a woman or anyone acceptable on here?

JCM800's Avatar
Welcome to the right wing male dominated Texas owned board that let men make comments about hoping Hillary Clinton dies goes over fine but heaven forbid anyone calls them on it. They get censored.
That is how woman are respected on here.
Their BS rules they pull out are a joke.
Oh I will probably be censored for this also again. Originally Posted by 12blue4u

Oh and the blanket response to someone who has abdicated the death of a female politician in their posts "needs to be moved to the political forum" Are you shitting me. Does anyone stand up for anything on here? When is calling for the death of a woman or anyone acceptable on here?

NEVER NEVER NEVER Originally Posted by 12blue4u

So you are for some censorship then.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Reviews are property of It's that simple. Once they're up they stay up. A non Verified provider may tell her gents not to post reviews but she may NOT have a review removed that's already posted.
A Verified Provider Must allow reviews to maintain Verified provider status. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius

So you are saying that Eccie takes full responsibility for the reviews?


Provider advertising on various sites that she offers companionship for $$$ no mention of sexual acts or illegal activities.

Eccie member writes review that she performed bbj, greek, daty without her knowledge or consent that the said is true.

Provider decides to higher lawyer and sue Eccie for slander and miss reputation.

Eccie does own and take full responsibility for the content of the review so that would make them liable to law suites and not the writer of the review. Correct??

I don't no if this is true or not, I'm asking.
I know there enough lawyers on here that can jump in and explain it to me.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Not an atty, but folks with a communications, telco, IT, or other related background are somewhat aware of:
Section 230 of the Federal Communications Decency Act
This gives any "board" operator or ISP an out (not liable) for any poster statement (as long as they are not affiliated with the board/ISP). But if someone wants to go after the original poster, the board would have to assist (such as providing the poster IP address). That however, gets into spending money on attys, etc. There are also state laws that may come into play (including anti-stalker laws), but again, have to go after the actual poster.
Thus, almost all boards have a rule of conduct, which they can enforce, resulting in editing or deleting of stuff, as that does not make the board operator liable as an information content provider due to the protection of Sec230.
CryptKicker's Avatar
So you are saying that Eccie takes full responsibility for the reviews? Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
The ownership of the review belongs to ECCIE while the poster is responsible for the content of the review.
12blue4u's Avatar
Hello.....WTF you guys censor the shit out of stuff, no drug references however obtuse they may be, address, kids etc. on here but will not censor someone calling for death of a female politician.
I cannot believe this line of thought. Well yes I can.
its not like the legs that spread apart for $$$ cant be replaced
Get a life, young man.