The charges of impeachment against Barack Obama

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You do realize that NO ONE has challenged the charges. Not even the most die hard idiot Obamaton. I guess that says a lot.
You do realize that NO ONE has challenged the charges. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I am not a member of the United States Congress. Therefore, it is not my place to decide.

However, I did say the following:

Bring it on and let the chips fall where they may! Originally Posted by bigtex
LexusLover's Avatar
I am not a member of the United States Congress. Therefore, it is not my place to decide. Originally Posted by bigtex
Actually you did, when you voted for:

And you have the audacity to call me an "idiot"!!!!!
Actually you did, when you voted for:

Originally Posted by LexusLover
It is apparent that LLIdiot is in his usual, constant state of confusion.

I can say with 100% certainty that I have NEVER, emphasis on the NEVER, voted for Representative Sheila Jackson Lee.

Please provide the link stating otherwise, or STFU!

LexusLover's Avatar
Please provide the link stating otherwise, or STFU! Originally Posted by bigtex
Now that would violate Board rules, wouldn't it?

She's a Democrat. You vote in her district. Case closed.

Probably in the ASPD days I informed you something about the internet ... it is very similar to a mirror .... if you can see "them" ... "they" can see "YOU"!

The mods can make me "STFU" ON HERE ... not YOU, LOSER.
Now that would violate Board rules, wouldn't it?

She's a Democrat. You vote in her district. Case closed. Originally Posted by LexusLover

It is not a violation of "board rules" for you to provide an Eccie link stating that I "vote in her district."

For the record, you're partially correct. She is a Democrat. But I do not vote in her district (and never have).

You might have me confused with 2Pups. He has stated several times on these pages that he votes in her district.

Case closed.

You have my permission to STFU up now!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, you aren't entitled to bring charges against the President, JDIdiot. Are you planning a citizens arrest? (LMAO)

You cut and pasted articles from previous cases (both of them) and didn't even bother to make them, look otherwise. (LMAO)

And WTF are "charges of impeachment?" Last time I looked, PROFESSOR, impeachment wasn't a crime or a criminal charge. (Holy shit, you're an idiot.)

That says a lot...about how utterly stupid you are.
rioseco's Avatar
The truth will NEVER be known if you're the one "telling" it, SLOBBRIN LITE.

What the fuck does this thread have to do with the Clintons, Holder or Lerner?

Ignorant hillbilly fuck. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Yssup, again it is called an opinion. It's mine and you can't stop it. If I really believe you stupid enough to try I would provide an address and an opportunity where you could give it a go. Surely you are not that dumb.

I can mention anyone I hate in my review and you cannot do a damn thing about it.....can you hypocrite ? I always speak the truth, its is what it is. I know that you are so twisted that you can only accept your own perverted version of lies as truth.

Now come back with your hyopocritical insults and profanity that you attack me over.
What a troll you are. You are childish,selfish and nutless, and hiding behind racist liberal lies.
I hate Obama, Holder, Lerner, and both Clintons.
But if the truth be known, most all on ther hill are liars.
Thats how they get there and make a career of posturing, lying, and sellinging out. Originally Posted by rioseco
A good lot of those "lies" are by omission, deletion e.g. IRS, how convenient is that. I wonder if I can get away that on my tax returns.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do you file?
rioseco's Avatar
Actually you did, when you voted for:

And you have the audacity to call me an "idiot"!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover

Just another female racist in astronaunt clothing ! Stupid big mouth bitch would make a great cage mate for Al Sharpton.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I wish one of you guys were Obama's lawyer. He'd be cracking rocks inside of a week. Still no challenge or even an attempt to say that he is innocent.
I wish one of you guys were Obama's lawyer. He'd be cracking rocks inside of a week. Still no challenge or even an attempt to say that he is innocent. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The Narcissistic Idiot strikes again!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm declaring victory here. None of you has defended your king. So must all think he is guilty of the charges but think, like so many of us, that the GOP is so lacking in balls and the democrats so corrupt that he will never pay the price.

Here's to you....losers!
Yssup Rider's Avatar