
oldmanoftheroad's Avatar
I agree with Farmstud and most of the others that say you are great as you are.. because it is VERY much your attitude that creates your beauty and sexiness!! You know that I think that already... plus the fact you are an attractive lady!

I will say I have seen a provider who had a long hip to hip scar and while it was obvious, she was a VERY fun lady and we clicked well... she'd also had a breast reduction (- HELL NO!!) and she regretted that everyday... as she had done that for her man. I no longer see her but yes, you did see the scar. Again though, why did I like her/enjoy her? Her attitude was FUN, SEXY and we were good friends. All good things must come to an end though and it did... Bummer!

My first reaction is I always like "real" - nothing fake.. but knowing how you worry TOO MUCH about your body, it would make maybe you soar if you had the tuck you wish to do...?? So, if you REALLY need to do it, do it because you want to see that other woman in the mirror... but just remember, you are indeed a very beautiful lady just as you are...but it truly is your attitude that makes you so "F-ing" hot... If your attitude was crappy, well... you would be a lot less popular...

Don't do it...Lol... but I will come by for the BNG!!
12blue4u's Avatar
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent"

Eleanor Roosevelt

It is not for us to make a decision for you.
"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent"

Eleanor Roosevelt

It is not for us to make a decision for you. Originally Posted by 12blue4u
ER is one of my favorite women. And you and her quote are correct. Another ER quote I use often is, "Do what you feel in your heart to be right- for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't," so yes, I will do what makes me feel good as a person and it's more along the lines of what 61corv stated but sometimes perfection and NOW get stuck in my head

You guys have helped a lot. Thanks!
Sara, hey, you already told me that I was the God of... you know... YOU KNOW!

OK, OK, I will buy you a vette. Will that seal the deal?

LOL of course.

No such changes needed as far as I am concerned, but what makes you happy is always important.

A post elsewhere raises questions about obsession with breast size. I will never pass up the chance to nestle between a pair of voluptuous twins, on the right person, of course, but c-cups and even b-cups are an equal turn-on for me. Point being, the range of physical characteristics that makes a guy's heart go pitter-pat can be fairly broad.

The changes you are considering might make a difference to some, but those who know you seem to agree it is totally unnecessary. Consider the discomfort of the procedure and recovery time.
I know how you feel sara, as me my self want the tummy tuck... I had surgrey a long while ago and just cant seem to get rid of that baby lump.
From what I hear they dont have to make that long cut anymore, its lil cuts usuallyh by your groin area, and I have had lots of people and close personal people tell me that I dont need it but its something I want to do for my self, its not that I think I am fat or ugly its just something that would make me feel better personally.