So Hillary NEVER had a secure Government E-Mail account

LexusLover's Avatar
Makes her look like the Bush administration.....I missed all your quacking and braying and bleating and moaning about it back then.... Originally Posted by timpage
You mean your parents let you on the internet back then? They should be ashamed.

Oh, and I was upset. I couldn't believe that loony from California (the male loony) got that much air time over some emails .... I also thought it was inappropriate for government business to be conducted over private internet/emails channels, just like I think it is inappropriate for private business to be conducted over government computers and internet/email channels. Kinda like getting blow jobs in the oval office. Presidents should do incalls at the subordinates residence, not have the subordinate come to the superior's residence, which actually belongs to the Government.
Condi and Kerry used government email most didn't.
Is this a thing? Really? She hasn't said she's running yet, has she? Already in the crosshairs. Republicans are going to drag up everything they can because they have a stable full of fucking frittatas to choose from.
Jim Webb for POTUS in 2016!
Everyone needs to sit back and Chillax. Hillary gots this she's fine she broke no laws. Read it and WEEP

The current law on the books were not the rules in place while she served as President Obama’s secretary of state between 2009 and 2013. Obama didn't sign the law(s) into effect until 2014.

Under a law passed this past November, a government official can use private email accounts to conduct government business—but only if that official copies or forwards the email to his or her government account within 20 days. Violating that law can result in disciplinary action but carries with it no criminal penalties.

But Clinton’s private emailing occurred well before that law went into effect. According to the National Archives, the official definition of what constitutes a federal record did not “clearly include electronic records” until Obama signed the 2014 law, which represented “the first change to the definition of a Federal record” since the Federal Records Act was passed in 1950.
:woot_ju mp::woot _jump:
Everyone needs to sit back and Chillax. Hillary gots this she's fine she broke no laws. Read it and WEEP

The current law on the books were not the rules in place while she served as President Obama’s secretary of state between 2009 and 2013. Obama didn't sign the law(s) into effect until 2014.

:woot_ju mp::woot _jump: Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
After watching Hardball with Chris Mathews today, and listening to the guest, I think she may have more problems with her own party.

They might start to realize what sleazy bag of shit she really is.
After watching Hardball with Chris Mathews today, and listening to the guest, I think she may have more problems with her own party.

They might start to realize what sleazy bag of shit she really is. Originally Posted by Jackie S

She's our nominee and you're just mad you started a premature ejaculate thread for no reason at all :rotflmao :


Like Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State Colin Powell also used a personal email account during his tenure at the State Department, an aide confirmed in a statement.

“He was not aware of any restrictions nor does he recall being made aware of any over the four years he served at State,” the statement says. “He sent emails to his staff generally via their State Department email addresses. These emails should be on the State Department computers. He might have occasionally used personal email addresses, as he did when emailing to family and friends.”

Powell’s statement comes after The New York Times reported that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a personal account while at the State Department, and the department acknowledged that thousands of emails Clinton generated during her tenure were not archived as official government records. The Times story also mentioned that Powell “used personal email to communicate with American officials and ambassadors and foreign leaders.”

The statement continues: “He did not take any hard copies of emails with him when he left office and has no record of the emails. They were all unclassified and mostly of a housekeeping nature. He came into office encouraging the use of emails as a way of getting the staff to embrace the new 21st information world.”

“The account he used has been closed for a number of years. In light of new policies published in 2013 and 2014 and a December 2014 letter from the State Department advising us of these polices, we will be working with the department to see if any additional action is required on our part.”

Clinton allies have maintained that the presumed Democratic presidential front-runner’s use of a personal email account was not out of step with how former secretaries used email to conduct work related to the State Department.

“Like Secretaries of State before her, she used her own email account when engaging with any Department officials,” said Nick Merrill, spokesman for Clinton, in a statement.

“For government business, she emailed them on their Department accounts, with every expectation they would be retained. When the Department asked former Secretaries last year for help ensuring their emails were in fact retained, we immediately said yes.”
  • DSK
  • 03-03-2015, 07:59 PM
Everyone needs to sit back and Chillax. Hillary gots this she's fine she broke no laws. Read it and WEEP

The current law on the books were not the rules in place while she served as President Obama’s secretary of state between 2009 and 2013. Obama didn't sign the law(s) into effect until 2014.

:woot_ju mp::woot _jump: Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
I agree - the standards were changing, and she would follow them now.
Still, however, she is ugly!!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You KNOW she's dishonest. You KNOW she's corrupt. Yet you will still vote for her. Unbelievable.
You KNOW she's dishonest. You KNOW she's corrupt. Yet you will still vote for her. Unbelievable. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
She announced???
This scandal isn't being driven by the GOP........but by liberals.

Even Jay Carney is weighing in...................

You obviously aren't following this story.

Is this a thing? Really? She hasn't said she's running yet, has she? Already in the crosshairs. Republicans are going to drag up everything they can because they have a stable full of fucking frittatas to choose from. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
So Lisa P Jackson was guilty of using a phony email to conduct govt business but Hillary Clinton wasn't? That was before the above law was passed too. Jackson was turned in by an Inspector General. Didn't an Inspector General reveal that HRC didn't have an official govt email? What's the rationale for not using an official govt email? The only "good" reason I can come up with is for the user to control the paper trail. If I headed the Secret Service or the CIA I wouldn't want the Clintons controlling their own email server - too much of a security risk.
The five Clinton reminders are:

1. The Clinton’s don’t think the rules apply to them.

2. They are surrounded by enablers, in this instance aides who apparently never warned Clinton to at least occasionally go through the motions of using a government email account.

3. They’re always hiding something.

4. They only think about politics.

5. They never own up to anything.