I love it; the Obamatards showing their true stripes.......

Iran is on our DOS State Sponsors of Terror list and they support an Obama negotiated deal that that will let Iran get their nukes.
rioseco's Avatar
I love it; the Obamatards showing their true stripes.......

Iran is on our DOS State Sponsors of Terror list and they support an Obama negotiated deal that that will let Iran get their nukes. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

That is exactly why we have an Anti-American impersonating a president today. These challenged sheeple vote.
The overwhelming support that Netanyahu got today will strengthen his hand in dealing (militarily) with the Iranian nuke threat....

He pretty much signaled the world today; that Israel will take the offensive if the Obama deal isn't changed.

That is exactly why we have an Anti-American impersonating a president today. These challenged sheeple vote. Originally Posted by rioseco
rioseco's Avatar
[QUOTE=Whirlaway;1056446497]The overwhelming support that Netanyahu got today will strengthen his hand in dealing (militarily) with the Iranian nuke threat....

He pretty much signaled the world today; that Israel will take the offensive if the Obama deal isn't

Yes and for this these clowns make him out to be a heel and Obamenajihad a hero.
Go figure ?????
You right wingers are off the hook now that American policy will be run from Tel Aviv.
Did any of you catch Nancy Pelosy's moronic reaction.

Doesn't this stupid, naive old bag of Botox know that if she was in Iran, she would be chained to a stake in the stoning pit?
How can a botox face have a reaction? LOL
That is exactly why we have an Anti-American impersonating a president today. These challenged sheeple vote. Originally Posted by rioseco
What would you have us do? Invade Iran? Not everything can be solved with a gun or a bomb. As human beings, we still haven't figured that out. We're so goddamned stupid that after all the wars and all the dead, we're still raring to go and jump into another one. He's not anti-american. It won't be you or I that has to go over there and fight. The lack of respect for the office that you display on a daily basis is a little sickening to be honest. You don't have to like the guy. You don't even have to agree with him. But goddammit you respect the office. You don't get to decide what patriotism looks like to me. Why can't we try and negotiate something, anything, before we start a full-scale war? What's completely nuts is that most evangelical and fundamental christians are itching for a war because they believe Obama is the antichrist and this will start the end times. News flash! There is no antichrist. No god, no devil, no end times. It's all a load of horseshit and they're willing to start a motherfucking war over it. Because of some shit in a book that has snakes talking and a virgin having a baby. Gimme a fucking break.
rioseco's Avatar
You right wingers are off the hook now that American policy will be run from Tel Aviv. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That is a preposterous example of sarcasim.
Since the discussion has gone smartass, where would you prefer the policy originate from ? Bagdad ? The Kremlin perhaps ?
  • DSK
  • 03-03-2015, 09:39 PM
What would you have us do? Invade Iran? Not everything can be solved with a gun or a bomb. As human beings, we still haven't figured that out. We're so goddamned stupid that after all the wars and all the dead, we're still raring to go and jump into another one. He's not anti-american. It won't be you or I that has to go over there and fight. The lack of respect for the office that you display on a daily basis is a little sickening to be honest. You don't have to like the guy. You don't even have to agree with him. But goddammit you respect the office. You don't get to decide what patriotism looks like to me. Why can't we try and negotiate something, anything, before we start a full-scale war? What's completely nuts is that most evangelical and fundamental christians are itching for a war because they believe Obama is the antichrist and this will start the end times. News flash! There is no antichrist. No god, no devil, no end times. It's all a load of horseshit and they're willing to start a motherfucking war over it. Because of some shit in a book that has snakes talking and a virgin having a baby. Gimme a fucking break. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I agree we should respect the office of the President, even if we disagree with the occupant. Bibi should have respected him, also. However, plenty of Christians do not want a war, so you are overgeneralizing about that.
That is a preposterous example of sarcasim.
Since the discussion has gone smartass, where would you prefer the policy originate from ? Bagdad ? The Kremlin perhaps ? Originally Posted by rioseco
What? Are you fuckers inviting Vlad to address congress now?
rioseco's Avatar
What? Are you fuckers inviting Vlad to address congress now? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You are the sack who sarcastically stated that the USAs foreign policy now originates in Israel. I just followed up with a couple suggestions that you might prefer.
I agree we should respect the office of the President, even if we disagree with the occupant. Bibi should have respected him, also. However, plenty of Christians do not want a war, so you are overgeneralizing about that. Originally Posted by DSK
Fundamentals do.
  • shanm
  • 03-03-2015, 10:42 PM
Apparently, Bibi has not learned the lesson of what comes from useless war mongering. You would think, that after Hitler put his ancestors into the furnace and turned them to ash, Bibi Satan-YAHOO and his zionist cronies would realize that murdering more people and instigating more wars is wrong. Ironically, this piece of filth is literally turning into the next Hitler, and Israel is turning into the German reich. Not only has he already decimated an entire indigenious population close to his borders (including innocent women and children), now he wants to jump borders and start another war with a different country, and he wants to drag the United States in with him. This motherfucker is the biggest terrorist alive in the world today, and Obama should end him like he did Bin Laden.

And apparently, he has enough support in the States to get his plan rolling. No matter how you define or practice your patriotism, the rule of thumb is to not let a foreigner insult and shit all over your country. You may not like the man in charge, but he is still the man in charge. You don't have to support him, but to put a foreign leader on a pedestal and say that he is somehow the man we should follow, well that's about the most unpatriotic thing you could do. You all should be ashamed of yourself
I B Hankering's Avatar
Apparently, Bibi has not learned the lesson of what comes from useless war mongering. You would think, that after Hitler put his ancestors into the furnace and turned them to ash, Bibi Satan-YAHOO and his zionist cronies would realize that murdering more people and instigating more wars is wrong. Ironically, this piece of filth is literally turning into the next Hitler, and Israel is turning into the German reich. Not only has he already decimated an entire indigenious population close to his borders (including innocent women and children), now he wants to jump borders and start another war with a different country, and he wants to drag the United States in with him. This motherfucker is the biggest terrorist alive in the world today, and Obama should end him like he did Bin Laden.

And apparently, he has enough support in the States to get his plan rolling. No matter how you define or practice your patriotism, the rule of thumb is to not let a foreigner insult and shit all over your country. You may not like the man in charge, but he is still the man in charge. You don't have to support him, but to put a foreign leader on a pedestal and say that he is somehow the man we should follow, well that's about the most unpatriotic thing you could do. You all should be ashamed of yourself
Originally Posted by shanm
The shallowness of your historical expertise garnered from your "three history courses in college" is showing, shamman. Bibi may well be this century's Winston Churchill, while your Odumbo is an even worse version of the 20th century's Neville Chamberlain, shamman.