The faint scent of Leslie Lane...

derek303's Avatar
I'm still waiting for my reschedule.
Fucking amazing. A thread about Leslie (Lane, not Cock-ran), that she didn't even start, and hasn't posted in. Already on it's second page. What's up guys?!

No matter what you might say, good or bad, she left an impression.

Leslie Lane, don't post. I gotta see how long this goes...
I have said all along that Leslie was the real deal. There were a few who chose not to listen. However, the negativity from those who have never met her does not alter the fact that she had 3 reviews from well respected individuals who each claimed they would like to see her again! Originally Posted by bigtex
Correction, make that 4 reviews from well respected individuals.
Thanks for the link...what would we do without you?
Thanks for the link...what would we do without you? Originally Posted by bubbaJay
That is an age old question that is yet to be answered!
No matter what you might say, good or bad, she left an impression. Originally Posted by Damon Bradley
She did draw a lot of attention to herself with those threads. IMO, masterful marketing campaign that probably got her what she wanted in the long run. To some she was just a lot of BS but with the reviews from CJ, Metal Smith and alike; she proved to be more than a phantom lady some had thought. Not a WK for Leslie, just giving her props.