Kat Komes Klean

Are ya'll going to keep feeding the troll?
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar

I'm finally taking time out to read replies & wanted all of you to know that my household greatly appreciates the moral support *which keeps us hopeful & reminds us to stay positive* as well as the offers of assistance. That's what a community is about and it's times like these that make me very proud to be a member. I must give special credit to my fellow providers as most of my offers have been from those who've been in this same predicament. After feeling alienated due to the actions of a few, I'm greatly relieved to once again feel a sense of unity with some of our great ladies here. *HUGS*

We've all heard the phrase "sometimes help comes from the most unexpected places". On that note, I want to anonymously thank a special person for taking me to get groceries tonight. As if it isn't hard enough to feel you're failing, imagine adding the wrath of an autistic teen who's only got ONE thing he likes to eat in the house!

What a LIFESAVER this "Santa's Helper" was for me!!! I'll be there when you need help in return & you can count on it.

BrittneyLove... Girl, if you're hungry, call me! If you've got wheels, I've got meals. That goes out to any of you! Like I said, if I have more help than I need, I'm all about sharing.

Oh! I am not going to worry as much about the Sprint bill immediately. I forgot about Google Voice, duh! I used to be so on top of things like that when I was a geek. Sometimes I forget about new options out there.

My most urgent need now met, I feel I can focus on the many tasks ahead, so need to get back to sorting & packing. *Joy* Anyone who'd like to share a mini-vacation from reality by setting up some playtime, PLEASE DO! LOL

Your eternal optimist for a while longer... and I may just have to get the Xmas tree out after all!
gman44's Avatar
I wish you well sexxxxxxxxxxy and remember you are loved here
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
All the best to you, Kat. A challenge like the one you're facing now will call up strength you never knew you had. Who knows, the day may come when you will look back with fond memories of this period of struggle. If you can see that from your present circumstance, then you are one hell of a philosopher ... but whether you can imagine that or not, it's still true.

don t
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Ahhh You don't know me very well, Sir, but I am a firm believer that life gives you what you can handle & have persevered through many hardships with a smile on my face. I imagine life would be very boring to me if not for adversity as I seem to thrive on challenges. Even when I'm really down, I still harbor the belief that it will all work out in the end. I waited a bit before I posted for this reason, but finally realized that perhaps a different approach was necessary this time around.

When I try to discern the lesson to be learned here, I'm thinking it has something to do w/ this being a way to remind me that despite my recent fears that I was no longer considered a valued member of our community, I still do have many who love and care about me as much as I do them. That type of uplifting moral support cannot be substituted and is probably the most valuable assistance I've received.

**Pause for the cause: happy tears**

A reminder of some of my mantras shared in the past:

-Things happen for a reason.
-What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
-Fake it till you make it.
-Accountability leads to success.
-Don't just talk the talk... Walk the walk! (INTEGRITY RULES!)

Geez!! For any of you NOT aware of it, pregnant women are REALLY weepy at times! LOL I have to get off here before I soak another shirt...
Sarahsmiles's Avatar
Wow...I just saw this thread, Kat, and want to wish you nothing but a lifetime of happiness and good health. You are very strong and will always land on your feet! I, too, believe that everything happens for a reason and when it seems like your world is crumbling around you, there is always a way out if we just think positive and keep an eye out so as not to miss it!

I am trying to refrain...and it is with everything that I have...from addressing in a most unpleasant way and including a cyber bitch slap to a certain person who made derogatory comments to you! (That's the best I could do....)

I hope you find happiness and peace wherever you decide to "hang your hat" next. Also, coming from someone who is unable to have children and wanted nothing more for so long, you are blessed and will make a wonderful mother to the little bundle of joy on the way!

If you EVER need anything, please call me. I believe you have my personal info but am going to send it via PM just in case.

Much love,
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
AWWWW Thanks, Sarah. I know it's my personal choice & one I don't have to share, but I've chosen to place this little one for adoption. I feel a tad guilty because there are many children who have waited for years for a family to come along, but alas, those who are wanting a baby will wait for a baby. Hopefully that will eventually alleviate my concerns.

I've been taking care of people for 32 years and it's obviously my nature; but I need to start focusing on my own dreams at some point in time. My youngest is 14 and yes, my children will always need me *they'd BETTER*. They know I'm always there for them at least.

My S.O. at the time of conception is a good guy at heart, but we weren't a very good long-term match. We're at least in agreement that neither of us is wanting to start over again as parents. I was torn about abortion vs. adoption but once that little one started moving around inside of me... well... I didn't have the heart not to let *him* keep on truckin'. I still feel that part of this choice is selfishness on my part due to my readiness to live for myself for once but why would I want to risk feeling resentment toward a child who didn't ask to be born? I'd REALLY feel bad about myself then. Better to let a family eager to love and care for that emerging life nurture and guide him.

I've been down this road before and chose adoption because I knew as a single parent, my child would be raised in daycare more than by myself. The daddy was a loser, to put it bluntly, but a damned bad-ass guitarist! LOL Anyway, having been raised in daycares while my single father worked long hours to keep us fed, housed & clothed, I chose a different path for my first child.

Once married, I stayed home the first three years of my daughter's life and the first year of my son's although we were rather low-income. My thought was that I didn't want my children in daycare until they were able to tell me what was going on. I think you can figure that one out if you consider the many horror stories over the years regarding abusive childcare situations. You have to do what you can to protect your children. You're all they have sometimes.

Now, I'm going to share something simple I wrote back when I was 20 yrs old & trying to justify my first child's placement for adoption. (The poor, yellowed piece of paper dated March 7, '88 has been folded & refolded so many times over the years that it just fell apart. LOL) Anyway, I had posted it for other girls in the dorm at the agency & it was quoted as having helped another girl with her choice. May as well see if someone else benefits.


Sometimes it seems as if life's trials are too hard to bear, the solutions to dilemmas impossible to derive, and when you think you've made the right choices, you find yourself besieged by armies of fresh doubts. The only safe tactic is to weigh the pro's and con's and decide which strategy is beneficial for yourself first, and then your fellow cohorts.

Of course, you may decide to place the interests of others before your own, but remember... If it's your decision, then you have to live with it. So, in the long run, you must be true to yourself for your own peace of mind & self-preservation.

****************************** **************************
Pretty simple stuff, but sometimes the obvious escapes us. OK, I can't believe it's after 4am. I have to be up & ready to go at 11:30am or a certain someone may just have to spank my butt for being a slacker! *ahem* I prefer to do the spanking, for the record.

Thanks for humoring a gal at a crossroads who's been spending entirely too much time alone & is becoming VERY long-winded because of it.

Nite-nite, Folks.
squiretuck's Avatar
Dearest Kat, The last time we chatted, you told me of your circumstances, and I was sad and scared for you for the decision with which you are facing. I am so glad you opted for life for that wonderful creature growing inside you. Some family is going to get an amazing child from a wonderful woman with a tremendously large warm heart. You are one strong amazing woman, Ms. Kat. I feel privileged to know you!

To all interest parties: My post here is not about right or wrong. It is about my respect and admiration for a wonderful woman. I don't want to turn this thread to a very sensitive topic; yes I am pro life, but first and foremost I am for the woman's choice. I will not budge on this. I would be very sad for Kat, but I would still support her decision if she had chosen otherwise. That is all I will say on this topic.
Guest092815's Avatar
For anyone interested, we will bee having a small going away bash at Kat's lair next week. Please PM me for details if you would like to join. It will be a blast!

Say your goodbye, have some pie and holiday yummies....
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I"m in, she has my private info. Just send date and time and I'll move mountains to be there.

I am so sorry that I flaked on Marley at her baby shower (even if for work, the guilt exceeds the money I made that day) , andI don't want to do that again with Kat or anyone else ever again.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
awww shucks I really appreciate you all for making me feel loved. I'm gonna miss the community even if I can login and post. It's not the same as knowing you're right down the street instead of 3.5 hours away.I'm not wearing makeup Thursday cuz I'll just cry it off anyway. I am considering letting my daughter put red & green streaks in my hair, though. *hehehe* Gotta get some Christmas spirit happenin' despite the boxes full of belongings instead of prettily wrapped gifts. *Not complaining... just an honest fact*Looking f/w to seeing those who stop by.XOXOXKat
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
Dear Kat, What a wonderful addition you have been to the Austin community. We will miss you dearly. I probably won't be able to make it to your bye-bye party but really glad that I got to visit with you privately.

Please keep the reason for that visit between us
Kat, you shared your situation with me the last time we were together and I've thought about you many times since then. I'm glad to know how things are going for you. I know you are a survivor and will get through this bump in the road. I also applaud your decision to offer the child for adoption. It was not an easy decision but life is precious. Let me know if you make it to Houston and I'll take you out for dinner.
Guest092815's Avatar
For anyone interested, the party is tomorrow. PM me for details, if you haven't heard.

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I would love to stop by