Why So Many Libtards Are Deep-Down Confederate Sympathizers....

There you go defending Jefferson Davis! See, I knew you were a closet gay Confederate sympathizer.... thanks for proving the point, fagboy! Originally Posted by lustylad
It's not about defending someone, it's about the truth, of which you have no sense of.
Is this kinda like that one time when LustyLadyboy tried to convince us he didnt come across TALLYWACKERS while "researching" huff post GAY voices? Originally Posted by shanm
Same shit, different day
Same shit, different day Originally Posted by WombRaider


. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Same stupid shit, different day.
  • DSK
  • 07-14-2015, 09:57 PM
Same stupid shit, different day. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Your modus operandi.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
holy chit, SLOBBRIN's blasting them Ozombies with the super secret Foxworthy gambit... Let's see if it pays off.
Your modus operandi. Originally Posted by DSK
Better title, "why so many republitards are self-hating confederate lovers"
lustylad's Avatar
It's not about defending someone, it's about the truth.... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Now you're doing it too! Evidently it's dreadfully important for you to make sure nobody disses the memory of the leader of the Confederate States of America! Thanks for making my point! First fagboy, now sewer rat! Keep whistling Dixie, boys!

And if it's the truth you're interested in, you can start by telling everyone the truth about your prior eccie handles:


lustylad's Avatar
This might one of the two stupidest posts in the history of this forum. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It might also be a life-changing thread if it helps you land a circus job, chitface! So quit whining, work on your impersonation skills and try to play your cards right. There may be thousands of Elvises out there, but it takes a talented woman like you to do Jeff Davis!
Now you're doing it too! Evidently it's dreadfully important for you to make sure nobody disses the memory of the leader of the Confederate States of America! Thanks for making my point! First fagboy, now sewer rat! Keep whistling Dixie, boys!

And if it's the truth you're interested in, you can start by telling everyone the truth about your prior eccie handles:


. Originally Posted by lustylad
Your shtick is tired. Jefferson Davis was a piece of shit traitor. I'm not defending him or his actions, you degenerate cocksucker. Your disingenuous nature is evident. See you later, IB.
  • DSK
  • 07-15-2015, 04:18 AM
This might one of the two stupidest posts in the history of this forum. The other one has to do with El Chapo.

Both authored by the same bush league pissant. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Not at all. Ekim008 errr..IvaBiggen surpasses that level of stupidity on a routine basis.
Not at all. Ekim008 errr..IvaBiggen surpasses that level of stupidity on a routine basis. Originally Posted by DSK
I'ts all right " Jew boy" I had to go and change everything else on line that could lead back to me. It is too late to "out" me anymore. so fuck you and chicken dick scum bag.
  • DSK
  • 07-15-2015, 07:02 AM
I'ts all right [edit scandalous slur] I had to go and change everything else on line that could lead back to me. It is too late to "out" me anymore. so fuck you and chicken dick scum bag. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Fuck you asshole.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I can't figure out why it's OK for you to out another member, BLS. IBIdiot does it in every post. For some reason you don't grasp the concept of personal security. I wish our mod did, because this is serious shit, IMHO. I'va Biggen had to change everything, yet you fuckers continue to allude to the handle that breached his security. I'm not WK'ing for I'va .. But this ought to be of concern to all of us.

Pretty fucked up behavior. Even for a hateful bottom feeder like you.

OH, and JL, as we discovered a couple of years ago, "Jew Boy," "kike," etc.., as offensive and intentionally hurtful as they are, don't mean shit to ECCIE. Only one racial/ethnic slur does. So maybe you just ought to go back to being Uncle Han because in here, there is nothing "scandalous" about being called a lying welsher, which you more certainly are.