Opinion: Man Made or God Given Naturals

BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-18-2015, 05:22 PM
All natural
You guys that want natural haven't seen my twins then!! The doctor that did mine deserves awards and more!! Mine are just right for my size and soo soft and natural that you would have to 2nd guess them!! lol lol
I have the memory gel and man oh man do I love them!! lol lol
So don't judge till you have came across a nice pair of MMs like mine!! If you don't believe me come have a look!!

blowmypop23's Avatar
Memory gel boobies. What a wonderful world we live in.
swordsman's Avatar
aftermarket boobs are ok if they are well done. Unfortunately, so many are done like implanted bowling balls that I avoid MMs. I've been hurt getting titty whipped during a lap dance
Mojojo's Avatar
As long as gravity doesnt damage them I'm fine with either.
No such things as "Fake" boobs, if you can touch them their REAL
CaptainLickEmLow's Avatar
I'm a lover of all but I prefer All Natural hands down with nice size areolas and responsive nipples... I think another thread needs to be what size areolas do guys prefer?
  • grean
  • 08-18-2015, 07:06 PM
I've been hurt getting titty whipped during a lap dance Originally Posted by swordsman
If your gonna have a mishap....
I'm a lover of all but I prefer All Natural hands down with nice size areolas and responsive nipples... I think another thread needs to be what size areolas do guys prefer? Originally Posted by CaptainLickEmLow
Absolutely! I LOVE big areolas!
Chung Tran's Avatar
easy question.. I'll take any kind of natural over the very best fakes any day..
I love naturals. There are some good MMs but there are a lot of MMs gone way bad and that sucks! Way oversized, lop sided...I usually feel sorry for the lady in those cases since they spent a lot of money. But, hey, some guys love the unnatural oversized look. WALDT.
TXHUNTER66's Avatar
I like both kinds of boobs, Big ol'e good ones and Good ol'e big ones.
I'd say smaller naturals(Cs and even Bs) seem to me more in vogue with the younger leaner lady's these days.

I'm afraid the 80's/90's 36 double or triple DDD MMS are yesterday's news. Still see plenty of that around but it's just a total and complete waste of money in today's fashion world. Sure if a lady's had kid or gravity is pulling get in to see the doc. But no need to just blow 'm up like friggin balloons.
Love MM but don't discriminate
As a man that has been married to 2 women with A cups. I am going to have to say natural.
MM are nice but sometimes don't feel right.
Love them all, but given preference, there you go.