" Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.... " is that a song that you play on the "rusty trombone " there woomby " ? BLOW THAT HORN, WOOMBY !

Mighty white of you to admit that you have no integrity ! But we all figured that a lying liberal cum guzzling Gloryhole Guru wouldn't have any integrity " no-how ", as you Ozark " Broke-back Mountain inbeeds say ! Tu Comprende lambiachi ? So, Mister " freelance writer of travel brochures " AND Mr. Gloryhole Guru And The Professor of Peter-puffing for ALL of Arkansas, when are you gonna tell us how YOU know about the size of Slick Willy Clinton's dick from personal "experience" , pobrecita puta ? !!! Go ahead and LIE, since it's PUBLIC RECORD for the ONLY President to have the shape and sized of his genitalia DESCRBIBED in DETAIL for all to know about ! So did you use your favorite, the always reliable Wikipedia, or didya "Google" that ganglin dangler ! Or did you use the same micrometer to measure his cock that they have used on yours permanently flaccid EUNUCH member since birth, the same one that the Doctor tells your EUNUCH ass that it's NOT a hair that your pissing out of ? Or was it those calibrated labios, cabone , that YOU used to measure el Slick Willy's Willy or did you get his "size from when he packed your fudge ? Did you wear a blue dress, black wig, high heels and a rainbow colored thong and boa for your meeting with your hero ? Did you talk to and cry with your Arkansas hero after TEXAS Tech KICKED your inbred bretheren's ass and cry over how the " SOOEY PIG's " were " cheated " ?