Bonemaker Barbie scam artist

ognob's Avatar
  • ognob
  • 09-20-2015, 05:33 PM
no offense, but how is this an alert?

you fell head over heels for a hooker after a few weeks and allowed yourself to be "scammed". these hoes don't love you and they NEVER will. keep that on the front of your mind, or continue to be suckered and milked.

if you're looking to sponsor a bitch just go find a sugar baby.

The following day she texted me about needing $200 because she had no food for the kids and her government assistance was not kicking in until next week.
LMAO.....that's not even a convincing lie. a hoe can always hustle up a couple hundred dollars with little effort.

I can on and on. learn something for this shit man.
Can someone please sum up what that dissertation said?
Ha..I'm speechless
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Sorry to hear it man. You saw what you wanted to see not what was real. This isn't uniquely a hobby thing it's just a people thing. Relationships are tough and often drama laden and adding the hobby element into it is bound to add a whole new layer of issues, complexity, and potential pitfalls...for both parties.

The heart wants what the heart wants but sometimes we willfully ignore the red flags, choose poorly, and allow ourselves to be taken advantage of or stay too long in a deteriorating scenario. We've all been there before in some capacity. Live and learn right? This too shall pass...

This isn't an alert though, nothing here represents a threat to the general membership. Merging this with your coed thread to continue the discussion.
You made a number of mistakes here...the worsts were falling for a provider and posting about it. Been there, learn from this and NEVER let it happen again. IT'S JUST BUSINESS...KEEP IT THAT WAY!!!

if you're looking to sponsor a bitch just go find a sugar baby. Originally Posted by ognob

It was agreed upon by both of us that helping her out is much "simpler" than doing the one hour session. She was way over her head and I chose the wrong "sugar baby" for this kind of arrangement. I quickly begin to have second thoughts after her excuses for not wanting to spend time together.
You made a number of mistakes here...the worsts were falling for a provider and posting about it. Originally Posted by Island_Gent
I posted about it to help others and to let the truth to be told. Sure it could be a double edge sword for me but there must be some kind of closure. What is more fitting than a public disclosure that aims to prevent and to correct bad behavior?
I posted about it to help others and to let the truth to be told. Sure it could be a double edge sword for me but there must be some kind of closure. What is more fitting than a public disclosure that aims to prevent and to correct bad behavior? Originally Posted by WolfWhistle
Fair enough...if this were a cautionary tale for the newbs. But it also marks you for the less than honourable providers out there, who are better at that hustle than Barbie. Keep it business, and trust me you'll enjoy it more.

Fair enough...if this were a cautionary tale for the newbs. But it also marks you for the less than honourable providers out there, who are better at that hustle than Barbie. Keep it business, and trust me you'll enjoy it more.

Originally Posted by Island_Gent
Trust me I have already received emails and text messages from providers about needing help before I made this post. I know the drill. I just happen to really click with Bonemaker Barbie; it's like some kind of a storm of the century in human terms for me. I won't let it happen again.
rduke4923's Avatar
I once read a signature line that said, " if you think a provider cares about you short her
20 bucks and see what happens".
If you want to bring feelings to the meeting that is fine as long as they end when your time does.
kerwil62's Avatar
no offense, but how is this an alert?

you fell head over heels for a hooker after a few weeks and allowed yourself to be "scammed". these hoes don't love you and they NEVER will. keep that on the front of your mind, or continue to be suckered and milked.

if you're looking to sponsor a bitch just go find a sugar baby.

LMAO.....that's not even a convincing lie. a hoe can always hustle up a couple hundred dollars with little effort.

I can on and on. learn something for this shit man. Originally Posted by ognob
I HAD to quote this. Real shit spoken here!
As they say every moment a sucker is born. But some men wise up after their experiences and become better for it while others never learn. How much you willing to bet that while this Barbie was meeting her ex, he very likely was banging her as well.

Most obvious lesson of the story? Don't get involved with a whore. They become a whore for a reason.

Less obvious but equally important lesson? Don't be too "nice" to women. Despite what they say, princess treatment turns them off. If you need a role model, imitate Jason Statham. Now that's a real man.

It's a red vs blue pill, as always.

As an aside, she looks ugly as fuck. You couldn't have better taste, at least?
\ How much you willing to bet that while this Barbie was meeting her ex, he very likely was banging her as well.

Don't be too "nice" to women. Despite what they say, princess treatment turns them off.

As an aside, she looks ugly as fuck. You couldn't have better taste, at least? Originally Posted by Asianhobbyist

You are probably right about the ex and that has crossed my mind. I wouldn't doubt that she is in cahoots with the guy.
Oh I agree about not wanting to offer a princess treatment. I am not like that with women. My arguments with Bonemaker Barbie were very volatile and so I wasn't completely Mr. Nice Guy when her ways were unraveling in front of my eyes. I am not that kissy kissy with women but for some reason this girl brought out a softer side in me. That's probably why I pursued her.

Her pictures don't do her justice. In person, she is much more attractive. Those big blue eyes locked me in. Furthermore, she has a way about her when she communicates during session. It becomes more personable but I think that is the charm of a viper. I fell hook, line, and sinker. But no more. I cannot deal with the lies and the bullshit.
Bad choice of gals to fall for.
Bad choice posting your mistake all over the website.
As pointed out earlier, this is not a warning. It is a bad decision on your part to fall for a gals sob story and she took your money. This happens in life, not just the hobby.
This just makes you look bad. You sound all butt hurt because she hurt your feelings. I'm sorry this happened to you, but your not the first guy this has happened to. Most don't go blabbing it over the internet though.
Man up, get your nuts back in your sack and go fuck another hooker. Just don't get all emotional about it. Originally Posted by H.Hardhat
You shouldn't do that bro. Those big blue eyes may draw our friend back into the maelstrom again.