What Planned Parenthood does...

Defund. Let Obamacare take care of everything but the abortions. Then let Oprah, Soros and the other moneyed Dims fund abortion clinics. Hell, I'd even give them a tax deduction.

I smell a REAL govt shut down coming.

Thanks Obama. Originally Posted by gnadfly
How awesome!!! A real government shutdown! That will be great for everybody, won't it? We'll look more and more like the banana republic the tea whackers are turning us into while the rest of the world roars with laughter that the most powerful nation on earth shuts itself down over....wait for it....money for Planned Parenthood.

Absurd theatrics, adolescent approach to ideological "purity"....unfortunately, no governance or adult behavior.
Why don't you shut your *Staff Edit - JCM mouth? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Uncalled for.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You fucking idiots continue the same drone...

Government does not fund PP abortions. Period.

So any government shutdown under the guise of saving the unborn is bullshit.

Keep howling, idiots. BTW -- the earth is flat, and the cause is man-made!

Hey look .....it's a peace sign!

I'm curious about the logic here. I guess that the point is that Planned Parenthood is innocent of selling baby bodies because 97% of their business isn't even abortion related. Okay. So... John Wayne Gacy spent a lot less than 3% of his time raping and murdering 33 young boys and men. The majority of his time was perfectly legal. Most of his time was spent in the construction business and volunteer work. He developed a lovable character "Pogo the Clown" to entertain children. He was a loved and useful member of society (well, other than the rape/murder stuff) and was active in Democratic politics. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Active enough with the dumbascraps that he was able to get a picture of himself with Rosalyn and Jimmuh Carter !
Hypocritical piece of shit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Says the sites master of hypocrisy and lying !
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-28-2015, 10:13 AM

PS. Dali, PP "remains innocent of selling aborted babies" because there is not one single shred of evidence that they have ever sold baby parts. Even the heavily edited video still couldn't make it appear as if they do, even with all their creative editing. But please, keep trying. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
On this , I agree with Sins...

Why is it Lama, that there has been no prosecution of any thing even close to what that Transgendered looking Carly F accused PPH of?

Oh and FTR, I do not think there will be a Government shutdown over this. You might shuffle chairs on the GOP ship Titanic.
Why don't you shut your *Staff Edit - JCM mouth? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Dude, your Will Farrell impression needs alot of work.

I doubt that google can uncover any subterfuge

there are many ways to prepare a chart

my point wasn't that they don't do other things but that this chart is likely the presentation chosen due to being the one most favorably disposed to lessen the slice given abortion and thus more than likely skewed by the selection of the measurement and then by the way to count that measurement, if you consider time and effort and cost or revenue as a more valid measure of their dedication instead of raw count

I'm still of an unsurprised mind that they would do and do exactly what I suggested they do to reduce the slice given abortion Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Yeah, I took a statistics class too. My point was that rather than assuming, speculating, and guessing, maybe availing yourself of the awesome power of Google would be a good place to start. Funnily enough, I found some very interesting information when I did exactly that.

I mean, come on man. I know your name is nevergaveitathought, but do you really have to live up to your name all the time??
Dude, your Will Farrell impression needs alot of work.

Yeah, I took a statistics class too. My point was that rather than assuming, speculating, and guessing, maybe availing yourself of the awesome power of Google would be a good place to start. Funnily enough, I found some very interesting information when I did exactly that.

I mean, come on man. I know your name is nevergaveitathought, but do you really have to live up to your name all the time?? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I'm with Sins on this one. There simply isn't any evidence of what you're talking about. Wishing it were so doesn't make it true.
Dude, your Will Farrell impression needs alot of work.

Yeah, I took a statistics class too. My point was that rather than assuming, speculating, and guessing, maybe availing yourself of the awesome power of Google would be a good place to start. Funnily enough, I found some very interesting information when I did exactly that.

I mean, come on man. I know your name is nevergaveitathought, but do you really have to live up to your name all the time?? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Whether Google has the info or not to do that seems something you already should have researched as you quickly took to google to inform me, although of course, off point, so either you miscomprehended or you don't care to have been off point or it's not there. Seemingly, you wouldn't have responded as you did unless you jumped at something you totally mis comprehended

Seems you also took a how to be snarky without a reason and sans understanding class as well
  • DSK
  • 09-28-2015, 08:54 PM
How awesome!!! A real government shutdown! That will be great for everybody, won't it? We'll look more and more like the banana republic the tea whackers are turning us into while the rest of the world roars with laughter that the most powerful nation on earth shuts itself down over....wait for it....money for Planned Parenthood.

Absurd theatrics, adolescent approach to ideological "purity"....unfortun ately, no governance or adult behavior. Originally Posted by timpage
We are turning ourselves into a Banana Republic by importing massive numbers of third world unskilled laborers. The Republicans cannot pass any laws that will stop the liberal steamroller, and we cannot happily keep shoving money into all the liberal projects, and the situation from our end is pretty hopeless.

So why not shut down the government that oppresses of and calls us a bunch of uneducated, stupid racists?
We are turning ourselves into a Banana Republic by importing massive numbers of third world Welshers. Originally Posted by DSK
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
A government shutdown for any reason is a good thing. Shut it down, and leave it down.
A government shutdown for any reason is a good thing. Shut it down, and leave it down. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Repeating one of your numerous dumb ass statements again dull knife.
A government shutdown for any reason is a good thing. Shut it down, and leave it down. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
the republicans are too scared to keep it shut down, they even make up the back pay for the government union employees who aren't needed during the shutdown and aren't needed after the shutdown in large part, after the shutdown

the dims try to scare the public by not allowing some law enforcement group, supposedly essential, to work during a shutdown
Yssup Rider's Avatar
More impossible and irresponsible bluster from our so called Librarians.

They must think its always better to bitch from afar than face reality up close.

Whine away, dipshits!