Strong majority of Americans oppose defunding Planned Parenthood

  • DSK
  • 09-29-2015, 06:16 PM
And, by the way, the elected representatives higher duty is to act in the best interest of the country when it comes to basic things like ensuring that the government is a functioning entity.

Our government does all kinds of shit I disagree with and that I don't want my tax dollars spent on. The solution to that is not to work towards the intentional cessation of government activities. The solution is to work within the legitimate confines of the system to effect change via legislation. Legislation that is designed to benefit the governed, not to shut down the government because you and the rest of the right wing whackadoos take issue with Roe v. Wade. Originally Posted by timpage
However, if legislation doesn't work, get the Supreme court to legalize something that the voters oppose, like gay marriage, which is not a fundamental right in the constitution.

If you want cooperation from the right wing, quit trying to shove shit down our throats and ridicule us, and quit trying to create a third world shit hole out of a once great country.

P.S. Studies have shown that public spiritedness declines as diversity increases - so fuck you Mr. Angry Bastard left wing faggot lover.
I'm confident we all have heard an on-the-street interview with a typical republican voter and thought how illogical, brain-dead,ignorant and obstinate in the face of all evidence and conscious consideration this person is and have said to ourselves, and this idiot cancels out my vote?

Now how are we supposed to feel about some poll where these same idiotic, self caring, unthinking, un- philosophical in the least regard, short sighted, empty headed, and with brains only in their stomach, are allowed to voice an "opinion".
Of course, it's worthless and even less so for it gives support to depravity. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
FIFY no charge
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I just love watching you guys turn inside out. This is almost as much fun as driving around at night.
You just dont get it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
What happens happens and those that were elected to do something will have done it.
Personally, I like the knowledge that you support the genocide of a specific race of people by an organization that was founded in eugenics and practices it still today with full funding from the democrats that support the genocide of a race. A race they have duped into believing they are there for them. check the statistics you bunch of genocidal racist bastards.And while you are at it please tell me how much the federal government gives to the NRA for protecting my right to chose to keep and bear arms.

You liberals are so damn funny in your self righteousness.

If the government is shut down it is because they have spent more than they should, wastefully I may add. Planned Parenthood is just such a place. Now what amendment is there that says the federal government should take money from the people and pay to kill black babies?
I just love watching you guys turn inside out. This is almost as much fun as driving around at night.
You just dont get it. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I feel the same way about you guys....
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Batshit crazy heathens, pissing on the Bible and calling it rain....
What happens happens and those that were elected to do something will have done it.
Personally, I like the knowledge that you support the genocide of a specific race of people by an organization that was founded in eugenics and practices it still today with full funding from the democrats that support the genocide of a race. A race they have duped into believing they are there for them. check the statistics you bunch of genocidal racist bastards.And while you are at it please tell me how much the federal government gives to the NRA for protecting my right to chose to keep and bear arms.

You liberals are so damn funny in your self righteousness.

If the government is shut down it is because they have spent more than they should, wastefully I may add. Planned Parenthood is just such a place. Now what amendment is there that says the federal government should take money from the people and pay to kill black babies? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Simply false, but you continue to believe it.
dirty dog's Avatar
Why defund it, it provides other services that are greatly needed especially in the inner cities and poorer communities. As I have said before, I don't believe in abortion but I also don't believe in forcing my moral beliefs on others. My "space wizard" teaches that I should not sit in judgment of others "judge not" is his teachings. Shutting down the government over "abortion" while doing nothing about immigration, the lack of good paying blue color jobs and a myriad of other issues is fucking stupid. If you want to use shutting down the government to force change how about doing that to fix social security, our borders, fast tracking the immigration process, infrastructure i.e. road repair, education, the list is so vast that its mind boggling and I am not even able to think of most of them at this moment, but to waste so much time and energy over a social moral issue is retarded, especially when the religious right is not even following the teachings of its god. It is absolutely time for both parties to pull back from the far poles of their parties and move more to the center. There is common ground where progress for the country is possible. But the way things are now, nothing is going to change.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You cannot prove it is false. Do some research and discover the facts.
Look at the numbers and tell me they are not killing more black babies than any other race combined. They are your own statistics because you liberals like keeping score and cannot remove race from anything you do.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lunacy and fanaticism. You're no different than the Muslim fundamentalists you hate.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
You mistake my reasoning. I do not care if women get abortions. I am not against abortion at all. I am against using my tax dollars to pay for it. I have no issue with the government paying for birth control pills or devices including morning after pills but I do not want my tax dollars spent performing genocide or eugenics via abortions.

You guys still have not answered the question of how much the government gives to the NRA to help protect my constitutional rights. If the government can afford to pay for abortions based on what is believed to be a right, then why cant they pay for the cost of challenging the attacks on my Constitutional rights?

I know it will never happen, as your liberal beliefs will not allow it, but at some point we have to say the truth which is it is not the responsibility of the government to pay for everything by taking money from those that have zero say in the matter. We are burdening future citizens with the responsibility to pay for something for which they had no representation to voice their consent or objection.
You mistake my reasoning. I do not care if women get abortions. I am not against abortion at all. I am against using my tax dollars to pay for it. I have no issue with the government paying for birth control pills or devices including morning after pills but I do not want my tax dollars spent performing genocide or eugenics via abortions.

You guys still have not answered the question of how much the government gives to the NRA to help protect my constitutional rights. If the government can afford to pay for abortions based on what is believed to be a right, then why cant they pay for the cost of challenging the attacks on my Constitutional rights?

I know it will never happen, as your liberal beliefs will not allow it, but at some point we have to say the truth which is it is not the responsibility of the government to pay for everything by taking money from those that have zero say in the matter. We are burdening future citizens with the responsibility to pay for something for which they had no representation to voice their consent or objection. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Can you prove they are using your tax dollars on abortions?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They get money form the government, they perform abortions.
Either take the money and stop performing abortions or
do not take the money and get your money from those that support what they do.

While you are at it, explain why the majority of the abortions are performed on blacks when they claim that they provide birth control to those that ask for it. Do they also perform sterilizations too?
They get money form the government, they perform abortions.
Either take the money and stop performing abortions or
do not take the money and get your money from those that support what they do.

While you are at it, explain why the majority of the abortions are performed on blacks when they claim that they provide birth control to those that ask for it. Do they also perform sterilizations too? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Otherwise your answer is no. The law states that federal funding cannot be used for abortions.