And, by the way, the elected representatives higher duty is to act in the best interest of the country when it comes to basic things like ensuring that the government is a functioning entity.However, if legislation doesn't work, get the Supreme court to legalize something that the voters oppose, like gay marriage, which is not a fundamental right in the constitution.
Our government does all kinds of shit I disagree with and that I don't want my tax dollars spent on. The solution to that is not to work towards the intentional cessation of government activities. The solution is to work within the legitimate confines of the system to effect change via legislation. Legislation that is designed to benefit the governed, not to shut down the government because you and the rest of the right wing whackadoos take issue with Roe v. Wade. Originally Posted by timpage
If you want cooperation from the right wing, quit trying to shove shit down our throats and ridicule us, and quit trying to create a third world shit hole out of a once great country.
P.S. Studies have shown that public spiritedness declines as diversity increases - so fuck you Mr. Angry Bastard left wing faggot lover.