BEWARE!!! Sexual Predator wants CHILDREN PLAYMATES!!!!

Well, it's pretty obvious that the man is sick , crazy, and more than likely delusional. I'm pretty sure he's not the best judge of Maybe it was my name.... don't know. I got his address if you ever need to let out some frustration on a mf... I can't afford to get in anymore trouble.
He is active on his hunt because he feels like there's nothing you can do to report him. The sad part is if he doesn't get caught in his attempts, he will find what he's looking for somewhere. Someone needs to do something about him ASAP. I just can't tell you what that something is. Hate to hear this. Just hate it.
artist3000's Avatar
If nothing else I'd suggest sending all of this information *anonymously* to the police (local and state) and the Dept. of Family Services or whatever it's called in your area.

Yes, there is not much they can do with an anonymous report. But they may already have 1/2 of the story and your info might help them put the pieces together or encourage them to keep a closer eye on him.
A very crafty member of this site gave me some more info on the sicko, he's 26, and the female name I had was'nt his wife, but in fact his mother. He also confirmed the guys place of residence and gave me his place of that leaves the final question...what do I do with this info.? Well the gentleman that gave me the additional info. suggested calling his mom and telling her what her sick son is up to and then go from there.
If he's 26yrs old...he's not a kid anymore even if he's still living with his mother. And, if he's for *real* about his sick fetish...he may have even been molested himself...and who knows what the situation really is.

I would report can do it online. He's mentally ill and it may help save a child...also, obviously, he needs some help.
Studio1Referral's Avatar
You had already said entirely too much at: "it depends what you want".

Erica S.
Miso Horny's Avatar
Are you sure the info you have is current? Who uses landlines anymore? Are you sure the info isn't just old and the phone isn't just a prepaid phone he bought?
topsgt38801's Avatar
This is a real sicko. Using an old southern expression, someone needs to take him behind the woodshed and whip his A--! I volunteer. This freak needs to be removed from the streets, but my concern would be your continued intervention could cause him to go off the deep end with you or if you did try to report to LE, they might start looking at you. My best advice would be not to pursue unless he continues to contact you and for you to drop all communication with him. Keep the board informed and if anyone else gets a hit from this nut case, at that point someone does need to try and let LE know what is going on. I am afraid that anyone trying to report him and providing relavent information could get in trouble because of the hobby we are all involved in and enjoy. Many times these kind are riding the edge and it only takes one wrong word to send them off the deep end and that could be very dangerous. All need to be extremely careful in how this dude is dealt with.

SweetElizabeth's Avatar
I agree that he should be reported.

I encountered a similar situation in 2000-2003 somewhere in that range. I reported him to local authorities anonymously via e-mail. I might suggest grabbing a free signal near a college library, or coffee shop. Another option may be to report it to a friend who knows a friend in LE.

Please feel free to PM me if you'd like me to share the sites I use for accurate number checks. It could help you with providing detailed info if you decide to do so.

He may be playing with your head.
He may be fantasizing.
He may be serious.

If he's serious, I believe he is not delusional or mentally ill. Just evil.

I once had an encounter in 2004 with a man who was screened in. His choice of words during our time was "Call me Daddy."

Not "Call me daddy yeah haw." Just "call me Daddy." SICKO stuff.

I returned home, where a long time friend and provider asked how things went. I declared "You take him next time!!"

Food for thought:

As to fantasizing/role play:

1. Are providers fulfilling his urge through role play, allowing him to act out his sick desires and sparing a child?


2. Are providers allowing him to gain the courage and familiarity he may need to act on his sick desires?

I gave up role play that year.

Best of luck in what you decide. For me, providing has not only been an occupation, but a moral decision, weighed daily.

My thoughts and hopes are with you.

since you have the info on the guy you should report him to law enforcement.
if you don't someone else's kids may become his victims. You have protected yours do the same for someone else.
LGALTW's Avatar
since you have the info on the guy you should report him to law enforcement.
if you don't someone else's kids may become his victims. You have protected yours do the same for someone else. Originally Posted by looiecypher
+1,000,000 on that.

Doing the right thing is ALWAYS the best avenue IMO. If the authorities find nothing to worry about, then at least this sick fu*k will be sent a strong message.

But if they find more, then you are helping not only his victims, but the victims created thereafter as well. PLEASE do the right thing a report this sick fu*k!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
So many things wrong with this one...Its closed. No underage discussions, Period!