Consumer Reports "Panty Poll"

offshoredrilling's Avatar
haha I guess I could sell them, although people requesting that outfit may not be able to get the full effect...then again, I am sure they wouldn't mind them MIA Originally Posted by BrookeButtons
Good, then I can give them to laker to put next to monitor. They will more than look and smile now.

errrr hope you know just being silly me!!!!!!!! I do not want to buy them. they look better on you then on a desk.
  • Laker
  • 01-12-2011, 08:10 AM
OSD, If you buy them I'll gladly take them!!

Wonder if she put them on ebay with a pic how high they would get bid up??
  • LynnT
  • 01-12-2011, 09:32 AM

My guess would be that the "thongs" are in the "25% have a pair that they would be embarassed for someone to see".

One can only imagine what other types might be in the embarassed pile as well!

Kathmandu Originally Posted by Kathmandu
The granny panties. And to be honest I have some that are stained from my monthly friend so I keep those for the week of. No need for others to see those.. lol. I bet that is what they were mostly talking about.
Speaking of female panties, I was in a mall with two of my sisters this past week. As we cruised through one store, I noticed a young woman bending over to get something out of a bottom drawer.


I had made a mental note that I've gone all my life without seeing female plumber butt, however, I've noticed three specific times out and about the past few months that female plumber butt is among us.

So I said to my sisters, "Hey, did you see that female plumber butt back there?"

One of them said she did and she volunteered that she never saw it but it seems to be kinda out there this past year.

Now believe me, female plumber butt is vastly more attractive then male plumber butt. I'm merely commenting on how something in woman's fashion had to have changed in 2010 since I doubt female anatomy has.
at lease it wasn't a whale tail... that is far more trashy than a "female plumber butt"
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 01-13-2011, 01:34 PM
  • LynnT
  • 01-13-2011, 08:22 PM
Female plumber crack is the new fad, Didnt you know that? Come on guys get with it.
  • Chloe
  • 01-16-2011, 02:32 AM
i'm kind of a bikini cut fan myself...if i get to choose. Originally Posted by retone
You chose correctly! Comfort and style! It's been a year and those are still my favorite!!

I agree with Brooke, I know girls who fold their panties! They don't have as much fun as I do!

Sometimes the gals who have their thong stick out are admittedly very hot, but we can save that look for the clueless barely legal and the hot a** strippers.

I love thongs for fun! But I admit my "old motto" (pre-providing lol). "I prefer not to have a permanent wedgie all day!" lol

I am sure the guys go for comfort and style as well
I hope this is only a small detour, but it is not everywhere that men are welcome to such a discussion on women's underwear:,7730065.story
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 01-16-2011, 06:57 AM
You chose correctly! Comfort and style! It's been a year and those are still my favorite!!
I love thongs for fun! But I admit my "old motto Originally Posted by Chloe
I love the standard bikini style, especially when I get to take it off myself just before DATY
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I love thongs for fun! But I admit my "old motto" (pre-providing lol). "I prefer not to have a permanent wedgie all day!" lol Originally Posted by Chloe
I never was a fan of Butt Floss myself. Even if it does look good on a women.
some men wear also, just say
I have foud to be more comfortable the hiphuggers. I actually just ordered on line a bunch of them from the semi-annual VS sale.

Thongs are okay for a while, but I'm finding to wear all day everyday to be like "butt floss". G-Strings are the same. Sexy, barely there, and works for an appointment but not all day wear.

I have a few bikini pairs and love them! Plus in the winter...they keep your cheeks from freezing!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
But I like frozen butt cheeks. I can almost keep up, as they don't want to get away. Till after I warm them that is. Then puff, where she go.
  • Chloe
  • 01-17-2011, 01:17 AM
The "cheeky" panties, I love! Hot and comfortable
cnym's Avatar
  • cnym
  • 01-17-2011, 06:14 AM
The "cheeky" panties, I love! Hot and comfortable Originally Posted by Chloe
Love them, Love them