I just need other people's opinion on this!!!

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What is PR and where is it?
What is PR and where is it? Originally Posted by SexySyan
The Powder Room is for ladies only and you can't see it as a registered member SexySyan, you have to be a Verified Provider.

If you would like to become a Verified Provider and be able to post ads, see the Powder Room, etc...follow the instructions below.

Submit the info below to the staff at houston@eccie.net

1. Website address (website or advertising site)
2. Referral from another provider or hobbyist
3. Links to reviews from recognized members (any site)

Any combination of the above requirements will sufficiently establish you as a legit provider and will be accepted.

The verification process could take 24 to 48 hours.
You did the right thing. When I first arrived in Fl I experienced that alot. All the guys thought they deserved a discount because they were "close to my age", "looked good", "were packing", recession going on" ect..I think I have heard almost everything. I would simply tell them I'm sorry I couldnt assist you and I hope you have a wonderful day. Then I would put their info on my banned list.
What a meanie....

He does not deserve a discount, and to threaten you is pathetic.

I dont know why some men use their ECCIE persona to bully, I would LOVE for him to try that mess outside of Texas and places where they dont use this board.
There are two separate issues here.

The first is pricing. It is my general belief that whatever deal I may have with a provider should stand by default unless explicitly changed. She has a right to unilaterally change the price, but has no right to my continued patronage.

Basically, a deal is a deal and if she changes her end of the deal, I have a right to reconsider.

If I have previously agreed to see you for $600; you have every right in the world to change that price to $60,000 -- but I have a right to walk away when you do that.

I think that is fair.

I see that as an entirely separate issue from the fact that the person tried to secure certain pricing from you via threats.

An attempt to obtain ANYTHING via force, threat or fraud is wrong. Period.

He's a bad man and you shouldn't do business with him at ANY price.

Furthermore, sending pictures to you is uncouth.

I'm in reasonable shape; but that and 50 cents won't buy me a cup of coffee at Dunkin Donuts ... so why should it buy me sex?
awl4knot's Avatar
He is a churl. Good riddance. Move on. Who's next?

coven's Avatar
  • coven
  • 01-05-2011, 04:22 PM
but he then told me he wanted the same discount that i gave him last time and when i denied him he completly went off about how i make money with all my other clients all day so giving him a discount shouldn't matter. Originally Posted by SexySyan

It's not his business how many clients you see daily or what you charge them for your time.

he then stated that since he was cute he deserved a discount also. Originally Posted by SexySyan

I'm not cute like I was 40 years ago, some consider this a disability. Do I get a discount because I could fall under the Americans With Disabilities Act?

So i then was informed that i lost a client and this would not look good for ECCIE.... Originally Posted by SexySyan
I'd let the owners of ECCIE worry about how it makes their board look. It is your business and only your business as to how much you want for your time. You did the right thing by standing your ground.

The only question that I have is did you only see this man once at that discounted rate, or many times? In either case, he had no right to bully you in attempt to browbeat you into lowering your rate.

Just my 2 centavos!
You are selling a product. There are clients who wish to buy this product. If your price is too high, the client can choose to spend his funds elswhere. If business is good, and you have enough clients, this is of no concern.

As a seller, you have the right to set your price. Just as with any business, you have to obey the market. Well, that is, right up untill the time you go broke.

A while back, I bought a large TV, thought I got a good deal. I found out a little later that the same TV had been on sale for quite a bit less than what I had paid. I went back and complained, and guess what, they refunded me the difference. I will be buying more stuff from this outlet.

As a Provider, you have to make a decision if making a few dollars now is worth loosing a lot in the future. In my business, I try not to sacrifice the expediency of the moment for the neccessities of the future.

All that being said, this client sounds like a naive shithead.
Willen's Avatar
The only possible excuse for the guy's position would be if you led him to think last time that he fell into some sort of special category that earned a permanent discount. But if the discount he got was advertised, such as a holiday special, then we all assume it's temporary. As several folks have said, you set your rates. If I dislike the price, then I go elsewhere. Haggling and pressure are never justified, and by holding the line you won't harm your reputation with anyone who has any scruples.
I'm not cute like I was 40 years ago, some consider this a disability. Do I get a discount because I could fall under the Americans With Disabilities Act? Originally Posted by coventricity
You may qualify for a senior citizens discount! They do it at McDonald's Dunkin' Donuts AND Denny's!
I agree that he should explore the free market.