He's relevant to the Gloryholes and the LGBT crowd, EUNUCH branch ,of Arkansas ! Originally Posted by Rey LenguaRey Rey you don't ever have to worry about a Cop planting anything up your ass as long as gnadfly is spooning ya!

And because you're so goddamn stupid, you've made my point for me. You can't just let it go without finding something involving minorities to somehow mitigate what the white cops did. "well, this black cop did it". So what?When a white cop does crooked stuff, he should pay the price.
Because you can drudge up one story about a BLACK cop planting stuff on white perps, in your tiny mind this negates using racism as an argument? How fucking stupid ARE you? Originally Posted by WombRaider
And because you're so goddamn stupid, you've made my point for me. You can't just let it go without finding something involving minorities to somehow mitigate what the white cops did. "well, this black cop did it". So what?
Because you can drudge up one story about a BLACK cop planting stuff on white perps, in your tiny mind this negates using racism as an argument? How fucking stupid ARE you? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Why would you burn down your neighborhood? It wasn't you who was getting the shit planted on you.Nobody says racism doesn't exist. We just don't automatically blame every fucking thing that doesn't go your way on racism. You and the black lives matter crowd are the biggest racists around and you want to preach to the rest of us. Fuckoff bitch.
Why would I think it would be any different? Because you RWW dipshits are the ones claiming that racism doesn't exist and that cops are fair and nothing happens to black people or minorities that they don't already deserve. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And STILL in campaign mode for the 2017 DOTY award ! He's hoping to beat HIS mentor assup's string of consecutive victories ! His " grass roots " efforts should REALLY pay off big by him keeping HIS campaign going so strong and so early ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
He's relevant to the Gloryholes and the LGBT crowd, EUNUCH branch ,of Arkansas ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Mo a dem Dindu Nuffins showing their genius I.Q. by taunting the victim. When will we hear from Al Sharptounge and odummer about how those attackers were "justified " in the stealing of a disabled man's cell phone because of some perceived injustice by " whitey " ? Go ahead and defend these dirt bags, libs ! After all #blackliesmatter !! And YOU lying liberals wouldn't want to lose THAT voting bock ! The absentee " cemetery " vote won't be enough to coronate Shrillary !I'M WAITING TO SEE HOW MANY CONSECUTIVE POSTS YOU ARE WILLING TO GO BEFORE YOU ADMIT YOU WERE NUZZLING TEDDY NUGENT'S BALLS, KNOWING THAT HE'S A DRAFT-DODGING PERVERT, JUST LIKE SLICK WILLY. YOU ARE NOT AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY COCKSUCKER, ARE YOU GAY REY?
More of these cur dogs need to be treated like cur dogs are treated out in the ranching community ! Gotta be "environmentally correct " and feed those buzzards now ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Nobody says racism doesn't exist. We just don't automatically blame every fucking thing that doesn't go your way on racism. You and the black lives matter crowd are the biggest racists around and you want to preach to the rest of us. Fuckoff bitch. Originally Posted by BudmanNobody is saying that racism is the explanation for everything, but goddamn, how many different stories do you need to hear before you admit it's responsible for more than it should be? How is someone a racist for feeling as though they are being denigrated because of their race? You have no idea how that feels, cocksucker, so you have no place to even speak about it. I'm not preaching to anybody, I'm saying you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're some middle-aged white douchebag who wouldn't know the first thing about being racially profiled. Stick a dildo up your ass and BREAK it off you fucking shitmonkey.
you've proved my point for me. bad cops are bad cops. color doesn't matter. just watch serpicoGo poison some more groundwater...
just because you can drudge up one report where white cops target a minority and i can drudge up one report of black cops targeting white suspects means only one thing.
bad cops are bad cops. what was the point of this obviously racist thread? i forget.
oh yeah. you are a racist.
who knew? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Go poison some more groundwater... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Nobody is saying that racism is the explanation for everything, but goddamn, how many different stories do you need to hear before you admit it's responsible for more than it should be? How is someone a racist for feeling as though they are being denigrated because of their race? You have no idea how that feels, cocksucker, so you have no place to even speak about it. I'm not preaching to anybody, I'm saying you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're some middle-aged white douchebag who wouldn't know the first thing about being racially profiled. Stick a dildo up your ass and BREAK it off you fucking shitmonkey. Originally Posted by WombRaider
So you are the only person that knows what they're talking about? If I don't agree with you then I don't know what I'm talking about. Fuck you.he is that stupid. bet on it.
agreed. fuck him
Treyvon Martin? The fucking thug got exactly what he deserved. Race had nothing to do with it.
thug. got what he deserved.
Michael Brown? The POS got exactly what he deserved. Race had nothing to do with it.
thug. got what he deserved.
Any criticism of Obama is racist.
Obama is racist. therefore all criticism of Obama is patriotic.
If you don't agree with the Black lives matter idiots you are racist.
if you agree with the Black lives matter idiots you are an idiot. and a racist.
The left uses the race card for every damn thing that comes up. I'm just waiting to hear how the hoax of climate change is racist.
it is not. it's a fraud and the scientists know it.
Conservatives are able to look at the facts and call out racism if it is warranted. You and your ilk call everything racism regardless of the facts.
they play to the disaffected masses to gain an advantage
One last thing. You're saying that because I'm not a minority I can't speak about it? You can't be that fucking stupid. I take that back, you are that stupid. Originally Posted by Budman
go bitch off at the very large inheritance i got. you only wish you could have had a successful family.An therein lies the beauty of my existence. I enjoy quite a comfortable life and my family did not have to poison the drinking water of others to bring it all about. If you were an intelligent man, you would have some sense of morals and feel the least bit bad about your ill-gotten gains, but you don't, so you won't.
all you got was an illegal gloryhole. which you have to press your ass up to daily to make 50 cents a day for getting assfucked by large hairy truck drivers. ahahaha. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
So you are the only person that knows what they're talking about? If I don't agree with you then I don't know what I'm talking about. Fuck you.Yes, dumbass, I'm saying that you have no business talking about what it means to be a minority in this country. Can't you just admit ignorance in that area? Show me ONE instance where conservatives have looked at the facts and called out racism. ONE. And yes, without being a minority you have no base of reference for what it is to be a minority in this country and the fact that you somehow think you do, further illustrates the depths of your fucking ignorance. So, middle-aged white douchebag, are you going to sit here and tell me that you understand the complete experience and what it feels like to be a minority in this country? Are you SERIOUSLY going to say that exact thing? If you are, you're the fucking stupidest cocksucker on this board and that includes retards like gay rey. Just admit it; you have no fucking idea what it's like being a minority in this country. How could you; YOU'RE NOT A MINORITY. If someone wants to know what it's like to be a minority in this country, why in the FUCK would they come to you?
Treyvon Martin? The fucking thug got exactly what he deserved. Race had nothing to do with it.
Michael Brown? The POS got exactly what he deserved. Race had nothing to do with it.
Any criticism of Obama is racist.
If you don't agree with the Black lives matter idiots you are racist.
The left uses the race card for every damn thing that comes up. I'm just waiting to hear how the hoax of climate change is racist.
Conservatives are able to look at the facts and call out racism if it is warranted. You and your ilk call everything racism regardless of the facts.
One last thing. You're saying that because I'm not a minority I can't speak about it? You can't be that fucking stupid. I take that back, you are that stupid. Originally Posted by Budman
Nobody is saying that racism is the explanation for everything, but goddamn, how many different stories do you need to hear before you admit ..... Originally Posted by WombRaiderhow many "stories" do you have to post before you accept and acknowledge that you are a racist and race baiter trying to justify bad attitudes and behavior by Black people who end up being crooks themselves while "demonstrating" their unhappiness with their plight in life .....?
When prosecuted and found guilty,, their sentences should be a combined total of each and every sentence that was served on those illegally convicted. Originally Posted by The2DogsThat would be justice, but I would first want to have a judicial determination they were "illegally convicted" ... just saying it was "planted" won't cut it. This may sound strange, but officers with a propensity for tampering/planting evidence in cases get a reputation around the courthouse for it. For those of us who live in the Houston metro area, we don't have to go far to find the same shit in the past (at least).