Hairless cocks

Guest010619's Avatar
Cock, ball and crack is waxed every 6-7 weeks. Been going it for years. The wife and most providers love them clean. Originally Posted by 2ndRowEars
Bet you really felt the burn the first time.
Sometimes I'll shave with the woman's razor (I buy my own) as it tends to be more flexible and wax the rear myself which tends to be easier. I use a water soluble waxing product making it easier to clean off.
Big One's Avatar
I get waxed every 2 months by a hottie wax girl. Providers have always complimented me on how clean and neat it is.
Shave it.
How did I KNOW Dallas had input into such a dick oriented thread. Once again, ole Cowboy is REAL particular about sharp edges getting too close to manhood. However, I have managed to groom the bush since been introducing little man to strange ladies (and believe me, some have been 'strange' for sure).
As far as the wife goes 1) she ain't seen my dick in so long her hole probably ain't there no more 2) why would I care what she thinks anyway, if she was puttin out I could save all this hobby money! Why do you think I got started doing this?
Ats jus me.