The X Files vs. Football?

Episode 3 i think. The one with lizard man was one of the funniest episodes ever. Love the new writing.
Exactly! I heard there were only 6 episodes for this run. Everyone got a little worse. The third episode I think they tried to turn X-Files into a comedy. I sure hop the remaining 3 are better or I won't bother to watch! Originally Posted by Permission Granted
Possible Spoiler and Downer Alert:

I'm through 4 episodes now and at this point:

1) David Duchovny seems so mechanical it's hard to watch.
2) I am tired of crying over the baby that was given up for adoption. Hopefully this is going somewhere.
3) 4th episode very disjointed ... whose writing this stuff ... what happened to the trash man ... why spend half the episode on Skully's mother at the hospital and the parallel to her brother and her baby.
4) Where is their boss and cigarette man?
5) I'll probably watch all the episodes and regret the last four.