Getting to know a Provider before the actual meet

TheEccie214's Avatar
Well I can't hobby as much as I used to. I am able to right now but decided to put it away for another time.

Bummed out by the hobby mostly because I can't do it as much as I wanted too and that I just tend to have not the greatest of luck with it.

I post alot because I'm a disabled person whom cannot work and has 0 personal life. I have no SO no friends that I go hangout with because they all have wife and kids and their own lives far away from Texas.

I have become so antisocial yet crave human interaction this is where I get it from. Am I a crazy person for this? Probably but it's all I got till I get my PC back.

I read a book a day watch some Netflix some YouTube and come here and post my thoughts on subjects or just rant like I did in the sandbox. Originally Posted by Duthgar1976
All good, hope you're situation improves. I appreciate your input.
tornado82's Avatar
There's one provider that I've been texting for years and never met.
  • anita
  • 03-22-2016, 04:17 PM
If we have met before I don't mind the occasional texts. Excessive texting is a turn off and makes you look needy.

If I have never met you before, I am sorry but I don't want to get to know you via texts/calls. Just give me a brief introduction when contacting, so I know a little about you and will use that for 'break the ice' conversation in person.
Duthgar1976's Avatar
If we have met before I don't mind the occasional texts. Excessive texting is a turn off and makes you look needy.

If I have never met you before, I am sorry but I don't want to get to know you via texts/calls. Just give me a brief introduction when contacting, so I know a little about you and will use that for 'break the ice' conversation in person. Originally Posted by anita
I understand that and I am not talking about life stories when I try to get to know a provider before seeing them.

I mean more like something short and innocent. The purpose of this is to see if, even though this is a business transaction, we will be able to tolerate each others presence. Especially if I'm looking for an overnight I don't want to be in a room with someone I can't stand.

If I'm doing something short like a 2 hour I don't worry about this. I have done a 2 hour before and the lady was very sweet and that made me want to do an overnight with her.
  • anita
  • 03-22-2016, 11:27 PM
I understand that and I am not talking about life stories when I try to get to know a provider before seeing them.

I mean more like something short and innocent. The purpose of this is to see if, even though this is a business transaction, we will be able to tolerate each others presence. Especially if I'm looking for an overnight I don't want to be in a room with someone I can't stand.

If I'm doing something short like a 2 hour I don't worry about this. I have done a 2 hour before and the lady was very sweet and that made me want to do an overnight with her. Originally Posted by Duthgar1976
Booking an overnight on the first date might not be the best idea, but of course it is your time and you are free to spend it however you like. I would say you kind of get to know her by reading her posts/website/ads... But sometimes the way people behave via texting/posts etc doesn't match their personalities in person. But I respect your opinion. It's actually not a bad idea, I just would rather occasionally text those I've met before.

Edit: You talked about days of getting to know the lady, due to cancellations etc. that is what I based my reply on. If it's just a few texts the day of booking and one or two emails with requests to enhance rendezvous I don't mind.