What makes your ATF your ATF

My ATF is beautiful, bright, fun, mature, grounded, always upbeat, genuinely happy to see me and very kind. We enjoy each other with or without clothing...whether at lunch, coffee or BCD. She is so far out of my league I can't believe I get to be in the same room with her never mind maintaining a friendship. She makes me want to be a better person. We share our lives and always treat each other like very, very special lovers/friends....I think about her all the time....sigh....... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

How many times do you see the catch phrase in a review, "my new ATF"? It's almost like taking out the trash...take out the old ATF, bring in the new! Geez!

The mere definition of the term means, literally, that of your entire time in or out of this hobby, this person stands above anyone else. I don't know that you can have a checklist, or grading criteria. But when you know...you just know. And while yes, there has to be a physical attraction and connection, ATF's go beyond this to embed themselves into your mind and your heart.

For me, personally, I was constantly in search of someone to fill that void for me, however, I didn't know what, or who, I was looking for. That is, until I met her! And like I said, when you know, you just know. Well, I knew.

I thought it was a torturous chain of events delaying our first meeting for weeks. But it allowed a deep friendship and closeness to develop during that time, of which I've never heard of, much less experienced, in this hobby. When we ultimately met and were finally alone, well, we hardly left the room for 3 days. It was like meeting your long lost lover for the first time.

So, technically, this lady became my ATF before I had ever met her in person. Is this possible? Can someone you have never met become your ATF?

London Rayne's Avatar
She makes me want to be a better person. . Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Aww I just got a flash back from "As good As It Gets."
Thank you, Mojo!

There is a reason why we are so close. You have more class than "some" men twice your age which is why I allow clients in their early to mid twenties to visit with me. Clearly, you appreciate everything I do!!!

I wish more men had your mentality. Again, you are a rare breed and your words set you apart from everyone else. Right when you think people in a respective city are tearing you down (now there is a site that shows us and am alarmed and crossing out handles left and right) you are the incredibly young, handsome gent bringing me up!!

You are a real man and it shows. Youve never haggled me or spoken negatively of me and I am so grateful. This is coming from a lady who used to charge $2,500/hr at the Bunny Ranch -lol. So, I appreciate you! Never change!



1. My ATF is Aneglina Adams
2. What makes Angelina Adams my ATF? Seriously?! Shes gorgeous!

Aside from her beauty I find Angelina's intellectual level severely intriguing. From the moment i read her first post i was fascinated with her. I traveled the distance to see her and I DO NOT regret it one bit!! Angelina kept it real the whole time, she focused her attention on me and went the extra mile. She was not a clock watcher by any means, in fact I was so caught up in the moment I felt as if she was truly a gf i've been with for a while. I could go on and on but I'd feel as if i'm bragging how great her experience made me feel. . . . aye aye aye I have to see her soon now

Whether or not an all time ATF exist im not sure, however i do know I am most satisfied with my current one and taking that spot is going to be a challenge! Originally Posted by mojojo213
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  • MC
  • 01-28-2011, 08:18 AM
My ATF, besides being a great provider, is an all around great person.
My ATF is the only Provider I see. Yes, she is pretty, not glamorous pretty, just pretty. She is the exact body type that I like.

But in all honesty, I just like Her, a lot. We are very comfortable with each other, she knows what I like, I know what she likes. I cannot amagine the BCD activities being any better, and when we do something non BCD, we can talk about anything.

She actually seems to enjoy our time together, and at my age, that is a big plus.

I will be 64 in a few days, I am not sure this type of relationship would work for younger people. And, you have to guard against the desire to take the relationship further. She is a Provider, I am a client. Just a real steady one.

Some would say, "well heck, you are Her sugar daddy". Not true. When we are togther, we devote all of the time to each other. I compensate her hansomely for Her time. But, when we kiss and say goodby, she goes Her way, and I go mine, untill next time.
I did enjoy reading this thread, makes me wish I had an ATF.

I always here so many mention thier "ATF". My question to you fine ladies and gents is:

1: Do you have an ATF

2: If so, what makes your ATF stand out from others?

3: If you do not have an ATF what would it take to make you consider someone to be so.

I will start with myself. I believe the A.T in ATF is bull and can change with time. For example I have a new ATF this year. My last one fell off really bad (not sharing that story). My new one is such a sweet heart (not in a sappy sucker way) and is consistant in everyway, mature funny, generous and gets my off in a crazy way. Originally Posted by beautifulbailey
awl4knot's Avatar

I believe the A.T in ATF is bull and can change with time. For example I have a new ATF this year. My last one fell off really bad (not sharing that story). My new one is such a sweet heart (not in a sappy sucker way) and is consistant in everyway, mature funny, generous and gets my off in a crazy way. Originally Posted by beautifulbailey
I just discussed this on another board. "All-time" is an adjective that means "unsurpassed up to the present time." That means that your ATF will change instantly when you meet someone who is better or more pleasing than your now former, dethroned ATF.

Paradoxically, if you can't choose among your favorites, you don't have an ATF, but you can say that have multiple All-Time Favorites, but that seems to devalue the meaning of the term. Just saying "favorites" seems better.

I do agree that too many people use "ATF" to mean a current favorite, but this is a sloppy usage of the term.

Mojojo's Avatar
I did enjoy reading this thread, makes me wish I had an ATF. Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
With all these sexy ladies it makes me wish I had an ATM with surplus amounts of money!!
oldmember's Avatar
My ATF is beautiful, bright, fun, mature, grounded, always upbeat, genuinely happy to see me and very kind. We enjoy each other with or without clothing...whether at lunch, coffee or BCD. She is so far out of my league I can't believe I get to be in the same room with her never mind maintaining a friendship. She makes me want to be a better person. We share our lives and always treat each other like very, very special lovers/friends....I think about her all the time....sigh....... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
I couldn't have said it any better about my ATF: Lea Madisson!

I've been in this hobby for 10+ years, and she is def the All-Time-Fave,,,
last call's Avatar
My ATF is a sex freak who likes seeing me. I think that covers it nicely!
Aww I just got a flash back from "As good As It Gets." Originally Posted by London Rayne
Damn London...you're good!! Okay, so I got busted lifting a line from Jack....I really meant it!! (and is there anybody more quotable?)
My ATF is beautiful, bright, fun, mature, grounded, always upbeat, genuinely happy to see me and very kind. We enjoy each other with or without clothing...whether at lunch, coffee or BCD. She is so far out of my league I can't believe I get to be in the same room with her never mind maintaining a friendship. She makes me want to be a better person. We share our lives and always treat each other like very, very special lovers/friends....I think about her all the time....sigh....... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Hmmmmm... you need a road trip, Ed!

I would say that "Lil Huck" lets me know who is my "ATF"...but there is a lot more to the formula than just the horizontal mambo. I am not monogamistic in the hobby, but I keep returning to ATFs in the cities where I play. I look forward to seeing the ladies, talking, catching up, flirting, teasing, and sharing intimacy. I look at it as a "date" rather than a "session"... but that's just me.

eglrdr's Avatar
This pretty much sums it up for me.

"At first, I paid to see you so I could have sex with you. Now I pay to have sex with you so that I can see you."
- austinkboy
This pretty much sums it up for me.

"At first, I paid to see you so I could have sex with you. Now I pay to have sex with you so that I can see you."
- austinkboy Originally Posted by eglrdr

This is how I feel about my ATF as well. She's gorgeous, and the sex is incredible, but I will always go back just to see her, just to be with her. I can point to specific things that make her special, but I just like HER, the person as well as the provider.

This thread saddens me a little because I haven't seen her in a while.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I have met so many truly nice gentleman in this hobby that renew my faith that all men do not have the typical "guy" mentality that women feel they must put up with to have a man in their life, and sometimes I don't understand why anyone would neglect them to the point they chose to hobby.

My ATFs treat me like a lover and a good friend. They make me feel desirable. They are easy going, honest with me (as far as I know), never pretentious and always make an effort to please me just as they originally chose me to find pleasure. They keep in touch when we can not be together, but understand I have a life outside of our arrangement and always keep our relationship in perspective when we are not together, and yes, I consider them relationships, regardless of the situation.