Why more women are letting their husbands cheat

I was once told.....why tear up my stuff and have to tap dance to please you......go pay for it....come home and I never have to get woke up and take another shower.
joesmo888's Avatar
Lol yes me either. Not sure if I can be married and monogomous. I fear boredom. I am a sagittarius and they are notorious for remaining single. That is why I am focusing on my harem of men serving and servicing me lol. Much better than being married to one guy Originally Posted by stephania ricci
maybe you haven't found the right person?
  • anita
  • 04-20-2016, 12:18 PM
I can bore the crap out of you within three minutes. The first two minutes are involve inept sex ... after that it's nap time. Originally Posted by pyramider
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
Many many years ago, a friend told me that if during the first year of marriage a man puts a bean in jar every time he and his wife have sex and then take one out every time they have sex for the remainder of their marriage, no matter how long they remain married, the jar will never empty.

After about 9 months of marriage, my wife accused me of being a sex maniac. She acknowledged that we had slowed down from an outrageous twice a month, but the current once a month was still obsessive. We've been married twenty-three years now. Needless to say, the jar still has beans in it.

If she ever finds out that I'm on a site like this, the jar will probably be empty within a week after the divorce is final if I start removing beans again when I have sex. Maybe sooner if P411 verifies me before she finds out.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
Many many years ago, a friend told me that if during the first year of marriage a man puts a bean in jar every time he and his wife have sex and then take one out every time they have sex for the remainder of their marriage, no matter how long they remain married, the jar will never empty.

After about 9 months of marriage, my wife accused me of being a sex maniac. She acknowledged that we had slowed down from an outrageous twice a month, but the current once a month was still obsessive. We've been married twenty-three years now. Needless to say, the jar still has beans in it.

If she ever finds out that I'm on a site like this, the jar will probably be empty within a week after the divorce is final if I start removing beans again when I have sex. Maybe sooner if P411 verifies me before she finds out.
Monogamous sexual relationships fundamentally go against what we as humans are made to do. Mate. Pro create. Spread thy seed to further the human race, if you will. Men and women view sex and/or relationships entirely different. A majority of women correlate sex and love with being one in the same. That to have one must mean the other is present. (Much more so theoretically with older generations; think 1950's housewifes.) Women are emotional creatures by nature and....I digress.

Men on the other hand are much more simple regarding the two. Sex is sex. Love is love. Boom. Although you can have the two present in a relationship, they do not go hand in hand with every relationship. Just because a man wants to have sex with another woman (or has) outside of marriage, doesn't mean he loves her and is leaving his wife. Sex with another woman is just that...sex. Nothing more. Nothing less.

My mind could not wrap itself around the vast differences between the two, before working in this industry. Various lovers in the past have tried without fail to explain them to me in a way that I would understand. Nope. Didn't happen. I lost a shit ton of men because of it too.

My point being, I think one the reasons women are allowing their husbands to have extramarital sexual encounters, relationships, etc. is simply the fact that they've clued in, much like myself, that it's just sex. Nothing more.
Seeskylar's Avatar
Cause the male is like the lion he needs a main chick and some side chick's
“For example, the woman might agree that the man can attend BDSM play parties once a month or have oral sex — not penetrative sex — once a week, so long as he has blood tests every three months,”

http://nypost.com/2016/04/14/why-mor...usbands-cheat/ Originally Posted by Bobave
cowboy8055's Avatar
A majority of women correlate sex and love with being one in the same. That to have one must mean the other is present. Originally Posted by camillecucchiello
That would seem to imply that if a wife no longer desires sex with her husband that maybe she no longer truly loves him. Wouldn't say that's true across the board but certainly possible. I would think a bigger concern for wives would be if the husband stops wanting to have sex with them. At least if a husband is always looking for sex from his wife then he likely still finds her desirable.

I'd be wary of a wife who says it's ok to screw around. Could be getting set up to get clobbered in a divorce.
That would seem to imply that if a wife no longer desires sex with her husband that maybe she no longer truly loves him. Wouldn't say that's true across the board but certainly possible. I would think a bigger concern for wives would be if the husband stops wanting to have sex with them. At least if a husband is always looking for sex from his wife then he likely still finds her desirable.

I'd be wary of a wife who says it's ok to screw around. Could be getting set up to get clobbered in a divorce. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
I'd be wary of a wife that says it's okay to watch football on Sunday. Haha
I think my point could have been simpler.

Sex is more emotionally linked for women.
Sex is mostly physically linked for men.

I agree however, that most women would be concerned if their husbands stopped wanting to have sex with them at some point. But then again, most women don't want to have sex with their husband a few years into the marriage and after children are born. They simply don't understand that if they're not fuckin their husband, I am. Then when shit goes to hell in a hand basket and the martial is really in trouble...they want to know wtf happened. I'm getting way off topic here so I'll stop. My best advise? Don't watch football if you're married but, if you do come see me at half time.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I think more women are attuned to monogamy than males, but only because the consequences have been much worse for a woman than a man, statistically.

I've had monogomous relations and even open relations. What's funny and in my experience, is that it doesn't seem to matter if ya give the other party a golden ticket to fool around, there are still things he keeps to himself. Not sure if this is out of fear, or simply because he wants something that he doesn't wish to share.

I'm a Sadge as well, but I can easily be in a monigomous relationship with someone. Have never cheated or lied about doing so. And that's the kicker, the lies. Folks can get away with many things with me being a laid back Sadge, but lying is worse than cheating, IMO. Lying when confronted, insults my intuition, as well as, the proof I know I must have, or attempts will be made to make it seem I feel jealous and insecure, which I am neither, despite any lie. I've yet to be wrong when it has occurred. LOL. I trust my intuition more than anyone I have ever met or even cared for.
cowboy8055's Avatar
I think my point could have been simpler.

Sex is more emotionally linked for women.
Sex is mostly physically linked for men.
Originally Posted by camillecucchiello
I think for the most part that is true. That's why if I were married and my wife lost interest in sex I would be wondering if her feelings towards me had changed. I know there's other reasons for women's changing libido but that's a reasonable concern. Women will often say if the guy loved them they would understand. Men could easily say if the woman loved them then they would make love to them more than once a month. It's an interesting discussion no doubt. Women letting their husbands cheat probably isn't very common. I don't see most women being down with that. If they are, then they're probably fairly detached from the relationship. In reality, when a wife's interest in sex drops, the husband is simply expected to put his libido in a box.
James1588's Avatar
... That's why if I were married and my wife lost interest in sex I would be wondering if her feelings towards me had changed. ... Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Interesting comment, and one that provokes a thought or two. I am married; my wife has lost interest in sex; and of course her feelings for me have changed. (If they hadn't, she'd still want sex; she used to, and I have the grown children to prove it.) But with age comes wisdom, I hope ... at least a little. My feelings for her have changed, too. And it isn't so much that those feelings -- either hers or mine -- have become better or worse. But they're different.

Love isn't a feeling, although it's accompanied by feelings. Love has to do with obligations (yes, it does), shared experiences, and the desire for the good of another person. The feelings change, and some of them do fade away, and that's regrettable; but the other things remain. I know that The American Way is that I should say, well, I'm not gettin' any, and the thrill is gone, so it must be time for a divorce and another try. And she'd no doubt have parallel things to say about me. But a woman who isn't capable of going out and getting a full-time job that would actually support her, and doesn't have a pension coming in (both largely because of the years she spent bearing and raising my children): is a divorce what she really needs? I don't think so; she needs a place to live, food on table, etc. She also needs and deserves respect and civility from me. She needs, and deserves, to save face. Those are my obligations, and I do and will fulfill them. She and I live like amicable roommates. We're friendly; how would we not be, having been married for two-thirds of our lives, raised children, buried parents ... you know, that whole "life" thing?

I find that I still want intimacy and sweetness with a woman (decreasingly so, as I get older, but I'm not quite done yet). My thinking is that if I seek these things outside my marriage, I'm only "depriving" my wife of something for which she manifestly has no use anyway; and as long as I don't "rub her nose in it," she's lost nothing and gained a happier version of myself at home.

So, yeah ... I'm coming to the conclusion that lifelong monogamy is probably a pretty rare ability, and not one that I have. Lifelong love? Sure; you can do that simply by deciding to. 'Cause it ain't a feeling. It's what you do.
Wiesbadenwillie's Avatar
I think many wives just don't want to be embarassed. My SO thinks it's perfectly normal to fuck maybe once a month. Hell, I did that my senior year of high school. Fuck that....3 weeks of jacking off and sore nuts on Fri/Sat.

If there ain't no food in the house, why sit there and be hungry. You'd go out and find something to eat. Pussy is a commodity also. No pussy at home, you're free to go hunt/buy some.

I've told my SO, if you're not fucking your hubby, then somebody else is/will.

pyramider's Avatar
Just remember there are those of us that really enjoy fucking the wives that do not screw their husbands ... you know those ladies can be quite generous with gifts, too.
cowboy8055's Avatar
So, yeah ... I'm coming to the conclusion that lifelong monogamy is probably a pretty rare ability, and not one that I have. Lifelong love? Sure; you can do that simply by deciding to. 'Cause it ain't a feeling. It's what you do. Originally Posted by James1588
Certainly some wisdom in that statement