Trump to Meet With Mexican President Today...

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Amazing how he has managed to muddle through life, making shit loads of money, fucking beautiful women, and most of all, playing by the rules. Originally Posted by Jackie S

It's not when your dad gifts you tens of millions if not hundreds of millions as seed money and then you go on to float debt. At least his dumb-ass was smart enough to do that through the advice of his lawyers notwithstanding his bankruptcies.

What's makes this even worse is that he's had access to all these beautiful hot women because of his money and not looks and yet he's still creeping on and having sexual fantasies of screwing his own daughter.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Yeah, like hildebeest is so stupid that she has to be prompted by the Secret Service to "keep talking", Sissy Chap.

This is the same lyin' cunt that Huma Abedin says is "easily confused" by her own work schedule and needs help getting through a work day, Sissy Chap. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Did that baby killer really say something about Trumps kids killing animals?
  • DSK
  • 08-31-2016, 08:12 AM
I hear of all people he's taking Rudy Guiliani with him. Trump cracks me up this guy is literally too stupid to talk to anyone on his own. The guy has no original thoughts in his head except what he's heard and talking points programmed into him like Sarah Palin. He's another example of the stupidity of America. I would love to be a fly on the wall to listen to this blathering idiot talking to the bright and smart Enrique Nieto. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Nieto is just an elite European Spaniard posing as a working class Mexican to get their votes.

Do you really believe he cares about the peasants at all?
bambino's Avatar
Nieto is just an elite European Spaniard posing as a working class Mexican to get their votes.

Do you really believe he cares about the peasants at all? Originally Posted by DSK
His polls are lower than any Mexican Pres in decades.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Nieto is just an elite European Spaniard posing as a working class Mexican to get their votes.

Do you really believe he cares about the peasants at all? Originally Posted by DSK

LOL not a bad assessment.
bambino's Avatar
It's not when your dad gifts you tens of millions if not hundreds of millions as seed money and then you go on to float debt. At least his dumb-ass was smart enough to do that through the advice of his lawyers notwithstanding his bankruptcies.

What's makes this even worse is that he's had access to all these beautiful hot women because of his money and not looks and yet he's still creeping on and having sexual fantasies of screwing his own daughter. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You lying bevel headed sap sucker. Post some facts about Trumps inheritance. His father's business was in Queens. He gave his son control of the company in the mid 70's. No way it was worth "100s" of millions of dollars you lying bevel headed sap sucker. Trump also has 3 siblings, did they get "100"s of million of dollars too you bevel headed lying sap sucker. Trump grew his fathers Queens based company and grew it into a global enterprise you stupid, lying, bevel headed sap sucker.
As long as HillaryNoMore keeps her mouth shut she does better.

Has she ever met with the President of Mexico?

John Kerry can be of help to her cause:

He meets with all of our allies .... Originally Posted by LexusLover
Mebbe Lurch can bring James Taylor to sing to them !!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Former President Fox is trashing Trump for wanting to meet with the current President .... Is Fox worried Trump may ask about the "mordida" Fox carried with him when he left office? Or is it "THE CLINTON FUND" payments he made?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
You lying bevel headed sap sucker. Post some facts about Trumps inheritance. His father's business was in Queens. He gave his son control of the company in the mid 70's. No way it was worth "100s" of millions of dollars you lying bevel headed sap sucker. Trump also has 3 siblings, did they get "100"s of million of dollars too you bevel headed lying sap sucker. Trump grew his fathers Queens based company and grew it into a global enterprise you stupid, lying, bevel headed sap sucker. Originally Posted by bambino

From what I read in passing (I need to find the source) Trump's brother died and Trump was left in Control of all Family assets. He then went on to shut his other siblings family out even when they were sick or had sick kids he refused to do anything for them because they basically wouldn't kiss his ass.
Mebbe your boy Johnson should go down and tell the Mexican President he will keep the borders wide open! Give us your weak, your tired, your rapists and murderers. Originally Posted by bambino
So New Mexico is crawling with Mexican rapists, criminals and pushers. All a ten-foot wall requires is an eleven-foot ladder, haaaaaa ha ha!
Trump builds walls, Mexicans tunnles
bambino's Avatar
Notice the name was Trump, not Clinton fucktard? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I knew you were talking about Trump. I was pointing out that it's the Democrats strategy to get immigrants votes. You sure you're not picking poison dingleberries?
bambino's Avatar

So New Mexico is crawling with Mexican rapists, criminals and pushers. All a ten-foot wall requires is an eleven-foot ladder, haaaaaa ha ha! Originally Posted by Prolongus
Mebbe not New Mexico, but it's on the way to sanctuary cities and the ghettos up north! You sound more like Asswipe every day. Sure you're not a closet Clinton supporter? HAHAHAHA snick.

BTW Prolapsedbunghole, why is it OK for the Mexicans to build their own wall?

Maybe Trump will give Nieto some tips on quality construction.
I knew you were talking about Trump. I was pointing out that it's the Democrats strategy to get immigrants votes. You sure you're not picking poison dingleberries? Originally Posted by bambino
Your mentor, gay rey is the expert on that. Check in with him. The opinion most right wingers have about immigrants, and the comments about them, why are you surprised they won't vote republican?
LexusLover's Avatar

All a ten-foot wall requires is an eleven-foot ladder, haaaaaa ha ha! Originally Posted by Prolongus
A wooden ladder would be advisable, if you're planning on vacationing in Mexico....that country from which the poor are escaping with the cooperation and facilitation of their government. You do believe that country is better than the U.S., right?