Ladies, Here's Your Chance to Review the Guys

Rcoop361's Avatar
I agree with Chella that the BEST sex is that of an emotional connection and contrary to popular belief, I don't think you can buy that.

Originally Posted by London Rayne

Like some of the ladies have said...IMHO, it takes an emotional connection to have "excellent" sex when providers and hobbyist interact. Although I have had some excellent "strictly physical" sex in the past, an emotional connection would only make it better.

Like London said though, it could be hard to do sometimes...

This is why I like to get to know someone and don't mind taking time out of the hour or two we have together to do that...I want both parties to enjoy themselves

The better chemistry you have before the BCD action takes place, the better time we will have...just my .02

OTOH, hopefully I've been thought more of as excellent and ok...cuz I never suck

Well, there was that ONE time... Originally Posted by DickEmDown
This is exactly correct, to really connect at a level to really have a Great get together with someone you are meeting for a first time, there must be some communication where the chemistry can build from. And this is the easiest way to be moved down on my list, the unwillingness to allow me to get a feel for you beforehand, not scratched off but a comment of more communication needed, added my the name. This by itself has made my visits to be mind blowing for both parties!!!

And DED if you are doing the same I wouldn't worry about where you ended up in the poll as you should already know!!
25% Suck, 25% are excellent, and 50% are ok to good.

I agree with Chella that the BEST sex is that of an emotional connection and contrary to popular belief, I don't think you can buy that.

Off topic....for those of you who believe in God, please say a prayer that I make at least a 90 on this final this morning. Originally Posted by London Rayne

We'll I said a prayer for ya. Did it work?
It takes a lot more than an hour or two for me to get to know someone. I have found that I have better sex with those that I've interacted with for weeks or months before meeting. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Our date started weeks ago and won't end until weeks from now. For me it will almost ensure a wonderful time together....It just can't be ordinary with 3 months of foreplay!!
guess i need to review you rabbit!!

ed- ill be reviewing you in just a couple!
ed- ill be reviewing you in just a couple! Originally Posted by Valerie
Just what I need...more publicity!!
guess i need to review you rabbit!!

ed- ill be reviewing you in just a couple! Originally Posted by Valerie
I hope I was at least ok. I had just got over some food poisoning so wasn't at the top of my game. I know I'm trying to make excuses
Sweet N Little's Avatar
oh u love it Ed and you know it lol

my reviews would probably be equal , some of each the majority being ok and above thank goodness
oh u love it Ed and you know it lol Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Do you know how great it makes me feel when smokin' hotties like you, Naomi, Valerie, etc. say really nice things about me and everybody believes it?!? I can't tell you what a thrill that is for me....Thanks ladies!!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
The pleasure is all mine , you deserve it Ed

You still making bank on charging the ladies for some phone sex?
I hope I was at least ok. I had just got over some food poisoning so wasn't at the top of my game. I know I'm trying to make excuses Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
You were fabulous!!!
Thanks Love. Even tho your drunk bloging. It means alot
Just what I need...more publicity!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
oh bloody hell ed! you're getting out of control!

You still making bank on charging the ladies for some phone sex? Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
I just can't bring myself to do it!! The whole money for sex thing is really against my principles!! That's just the type of guy I am!!
oh bloody hell ed! you're getting out of control! Originally Posted by Valerie
Anytime I can get you to say "bloody hell" and my name in the same's a good day!!