New York Times reports Trump lost 916 Million on 1995 income tax returns.

LexusLover's Avatar
Those are wrote offs and depreciation dumb ass, he paid millions in employee taxes. Of course if you ran a business of any sort you would know this. What day of the month does the gov't send you your checks? Originally Posted by canuckeight
Not to mention "benefits" on top of employee taxes and salaries!

How many payrolls has HillaryNoMore paid in her friggin lifetime?

John Kerry has her beat I think ... for the longest no payroll experience!

Obaminable is closing fast!!!!
You mean the Net Loss Carryforward? It's a legitimate deduction that many businesses use. If it was against the law, Trump would be in jail. Would you, Fluffy, pay more taxes than you are legally required to pay, just to help out the country? If you knew anything about business, you'd take every deduction legally available. Why do you oppose a different standard on Trump? It's the law, and he'd be stupid to not take it. You're stupid to not understand, and demagogue a non issue. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
stupid is what stupid does lube wideass is the king of stupid and a moron
Those are wrote offs and depreciation dumb ass, he paid millions in employee taxes. Of course if you ran a business of any sort you would know this. What day of the month does the gov't send you your checks? Originally Posted by canuckeight
moron alert lube wideass is at it again from moms basement
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The return address had Trump Tower on it, doesn't mean it came from there. Originally Posted by bambino
point taken
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
who loses almost a billion in a year. No thanks that's not a smart business man. He can take his shit to St. Elswhere.
zont's Avatar
  • zont
  • 10-02-2016, 10:54 AM
You borrow the money, you spend it and you get a large deduction - if you are not able to pay and bankrupt the deal, there is income and the net operating loss deduction goes away. Or if you make money later and use it to pay back the loan, the net operating loss deduction goes away too.

Somehow, I think that information never made it into the NY Times article - all the news that is fit to print (but only if it helps Hillary!)
LexusLover's Avatar
You borrow the money, you spend it and you get a large deduction - if you are not able to pay and bankrupt the deal, there is income and the net operating loss deduction goes away. Or if you make money later and use it to pay back the loan, the net operating loss deduction goes away too.

Somehow, I think that information never made it into the NY Times article - all the news that is fit to print (but only if it helps Hillary!) Originally Posted by zont
If one bankrupts "the deal," the earned benefits also "go away"!

Has it ever been proven Trump filed "bankruptcy"? I thought not!
stupid is what stupid does lube wideass is the king of stupid and a moron Originally Posted by gary5912
Unfortunately in America, the media's stratagem is to play toward the people who have no understanding whatsoever of how the tax law is setup. It plays to their emotions and without"knowledge" these people become very jealous of successful people.

On the other hand, of course, the left leaning (probably more than leaning) media will never say anything about Billary being "broke" when they left the WH and scheming and conniving (aka subterfuge) on the backs of "we the people" in order to buttress their pecuniary profit.
lustylad's Avatar
Unfortunately in America, the media's stratagem is to play toward the people who have no understanding whatsoever of how the tax law is setup. It plays to their emotions and without knowledge these people become very jealous of successful people.

On the other hand, of course, the left leaning (probably more than leaning) media will never say anything about Billary being "broke" when they left the WH and scheming and conniving (aka subterfuge) on the backs of "we the people" in order to buttress their pecuniary profit. Originally Posted by Cherie


You got it, girl! Check out my posts over on Sissy Chap's thread too! Some of the NYT comments to this bogus Trump tax story are precious!

Btw, here is a GREAT response to a NYT poster who claimed Trump is "unpatriotic" because he doesn't pay more in taxes:

"Does sending classified material over an insecure network the public didn't know that you had created count as patriotism? When a US spy is hung in Iran after his identity was indirectly revealed in one of these emails, does that count? How about disclosure of satellite secrets or drone attack schedules? Patriotic? Ever hear that loose lips sink ships?

Does setting up this alternate system of communicating all your work messages through a system that will not be discovered when FOIA requests for production of work product come in sound patriotic to you? FOIA--Freedom of Information--is supposed to allow the public (you and me) to see what our officials have been doing with our tax money. Hillary designed this to make sure we would not see that. For 2.5 years the FOIA requests for her emails languished, as State could not find ONE SINGLE Hillary email.

The law requires that officials preserve their work product for future scrutiny. Hillary not only hid hers, but, when discovered, destroyed records of her activities at State.

Does that just reek of patriotism to you?"
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ So why hasn't the republican led congress convicted her? LOL
LexusLover's Avatar
^ So why hasn't the republican led congress convicted her? LOL Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Does Congress "convict" people these days?

Please provide one of your infamous cunt and pastey articles!!!!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
They have the clout don't they? oh wait they've only been able to do that in the court of republican opinion. lol
^ So why hasn't the republican led congress convicted her? LOL Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Unfortunately, the GOP, RINO's, DEM along with the FBI, have made justice and honesty a thing of the past and is totally controlled by the corrupt leaders and politicians in DC. Just like all the other major agencies, FDA, CDC, ATF, etc., we can no longer accept or believe whatever they publicize. Corruption, power, greed, and money are the only forces that run our country.
"We the people" and that does include you Sistine Chapel have become non-entities, just footnotes in annals of the once great United States of America.

Read more:
LexusLover's Avatar
They have the clout don't they? Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
"clout"? What the fuck does "clout" have to do with "convicting"?

Like posted:

find a "cunt and pastey" to show Congress can "convict" HillaryNoMore.

Your mind is feeble.