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danceman's Avatar
All of us, clients and providers, are outside of the law. That does not give anyone the right to disrespect anyone else. Clients rip off providers, providers rip off clients. Respect on both sides is needed. Connection or no connection, thats up to each individual. Start ripping people off or physically abusing someone, now we have a problem.

We are all human beings and all deserve respect.

And remember

This thread made me cry.

I wish Houston had more gentlemen like ya'll. At least that actually post. The flaming you guys would get if this was posted in the Houston forum.....let's just say there are a lot of cyber bullies over here and good people are downright afraid to speak their mind if it, in any way, shows respect for the providers.

I enjoy this business for many reasons.
It pays my bills.
I can set my own hours and be at home with my teen daughter (my last chick in the nest) when she needs me.
I LOVE SEX! And I really like variety.
Most of all, I have always been in, and truly enjoyed, customer service. And let's face it, this is the ULTIMATE customer service job! lol
Thanks for responding Krystal. I have read the reviews in Houston and some are abusive and that is what the book is about and how it effects the lady and how those years in the business effects the rest of her life.
I am sure that most want take the time to read the book so to make it short:
The lady was introduced into the hobby when she was 14 by a (BF) lol.
She was a provider for 9 years and got out at 23. She said the safest for her was as a SW as she could see the guy and talk and make a judgement. She said the one's booking over the phone were sometimes very abusive and thought they paid so I do what I want.
She is now 36 living in the real world, has a son, and writes journals as she went back to school to further her writing skills.
A remarkable story and as she said, even though she is out and now tries to help others she struggles daily trying to fit in and has the feeling that people look at her as she does not belong in the (Real World).
Yes I will admit, I shed a few tears and hope if I do hobby in the future I will respect the provider and let them tell me what makes them comfortable.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Wow! My heart is smiling from all the positive feedback and respect shown here....I've known for awhile that we have a pretty special group here...ladies and gents's just nice to see it in print lol.
And Harley, you do and forever will, hold a special place in my heart, my friend!