Do You Live In a Police State?

cowboy8055's Avatar
also people working hard then making LOTS of money

and living HAPPY

drives them fucking nuts Originally Posted by JONBALLS

You can add white heterosexual males to the list of things that drive libs crazy.
Must be why Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are liberals. Originally Posted by jokacz
FYI you're two heros both donate mightily to "both parties", this according to Warren B. Do ya really think that they give a fuck who's in power? Even though we finally have a real man in the White House with a pair of balls they still don't give a fuck.
un k:
Originally Posted by Plastic Man
jokacz's Avatar
they both know smaller gov creates more wealth , lower capital gains tax etc Originally Posted by JONBALLS
That Kool-Aid you drank back in the '80's, it's well past it's sell by date.

Pure Rightie BULLSHIT.

Didn't work then, won't work now, will never work.

You want to know what an "Entitlement" is? It's the belief among the so-called self made nouveau riche that they are entitled to keep every cent they make and only poor people should have to pay taxes.

That combined with the belief that all black people are shiftless, lazy, niggers is Republicanism in a nutshell.
jokacz's Avatar
jokacz's Avatar

theres no in between

what a piece of human garbage
Originally Posted by jokacz
How bout trickle up poverty, How's that werkin?
cowboy8055's Avatar
You want to know what an "Entitlement" is? It's the belief among the so-called self made nouveau riche that they are entitled to keep every cent they make and only poor people should have to pay taxes.

That combined with the belief that all black people are shiftless, lazy, niggers is Republicanism in a nutshell. Originally Posted by jokacz
You don't even know what entitlement means. It's the belief that one deserves things they didn't work for. Like receiving services on someone else's dime.

Republicans have their issues no doubt but your view is a bit jaded. Not surprising coming from someone completely unhinged. Wasn't it Reps that were responsible for Dems losing their slaves. Dems hold a grudge a long time.

You need to chill out or you won't make it through the next 4 years. You should show a little more respect towards the Donald. After all, he is YOUR president.
Alchemist2u's Avatar
You don't even know what entitlement means. ..
You need to chill out or you won't make it through the next 4 years. You should show a little more respect towards the Donald. After all, he is YOUR president. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Actually, my dictionary says an 'entitlement' is "the amount to which a person has a right."For example, if you are a citizen of the US, over the age of 18, and. in some states, not convicted of a felony, you are 'entitled' to vote. Nothing to do with whether you 'contributed', just do you meet the stated criteria for eligibility.

As to being my President, nope, the majority of us did not vote for him. He won by some 33 votes in the 'infectoral' college, a condition to which, by the way, he was 'entitled' to by virtue of the US Constitution, not the choice of the people or something that the great Trumpet did! I have no intention of pursuing this discussion, so don't waste my, or other's time, with a debate that is irrelevant to this site. As always just my humble opinion. What does an Alchemist know, he lives in a strange world of magic and mystery.
Healthcare is an entitlement if you are human

It's so obvious and proven in every modern western economy except----Inverted Totalitarianism at work.

cowboy8055's Avatar
[LEFT][COLOR=#222222][FONT=Roboto]Actually, my dictionary says an 'entitlement' is "the amount to which a person has a right."For example, if you are a citizen of the US, over the age of 18, and. in some states, not convicted of a felony, you are 'entitled' to vote. Nothing to do with whether you 'contributed', just do you meet the stated criteria for eligibility.
Originally Posted by Alchemist2u
There's a difference between a right and entitlement. Voting is a fundamental right. These days entitlement often refers to the belief that people should receive services that aren't necessarily a right. People think they're entitled to all kinds of things. We don't have a right to free stuff at other people's expense.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Do You Live In a Police State?

awesome threAD drift LOL
carry on, no really please carry on n on n on...
PAOK's Avatar
  • PAOK
  • 03-23-2017, 06:35 PM
Police state? You will now have almost no privacy thanks Rebublicans