Best steak in NWA

bluffcityguy's Avatar
I had an amazing time as well! It really did seem you two enjoyed yourself, I wish I could say y'all enjoyed me but I think it was more each other than me. Lol Originally Posted by Imsecretlyaninja
Yeah, rub our noses in it, why don'cha? Or why not spend your kids' inheritance and book another hour or two with them?

You do bring up another reason why I'm not a threesome kind of guy; most of the reviews of 2 girl threesomes tend to wax eloquent on how the ladies had so much fun with each other. Dammit, if I'm paying money to be in the company of a couple ladies, the time I'm with them is going to be all about me, thankyewverrahmuch. If they want to enjoy each other they can do so after I've left.

ObSteakInNWA: beats me; I've not spent a lot of time there. But I'm taking notes for when I get around to visiting.


+1 for Mr. B's