But I state again..it is not logical to think because a girl says she is available TODAY between 2 and 5pm and u call at 3:45 that she will be..no one said anything about higher probability
Originally Posted by BBWDeAnna
You can state it again but that still doesn't make it anything more than your opinion. And someone did mention probability - I did. I never said anything was guaranteed. I don't see what's so hard to comprehend about the likelihood that if they have posted availability in the next (say) 3 hours that they may be more likely to be paying attention to texts, PMs, P411, etc. during that time than at other times when they are busy living their lives. Not everyone is a full time provider. In NWA I know most of them and I'd say most aren't. That means most of them aren't constantly scanning Eccie looking for ISOs to pounce on.
you still have to call..waste time with the chance the answer is NO they are not available.. this whole higher probability thing is ludacris in a market this small..
Originally Posted by BBWDeAnna
Not sure what a rapper has to do with anything. I think the word you're looking for is 'ludicrous'. I will concede that there would likely be a low volume of postings, but that wouldn't make the ones that do post any less useful.
Its really not that hard.. guys have the faves..and have already been screened.. all they gotta do is call their faves and see if they are available. IF not..go to the next one.. its not like a professional lady that post short notice availability can see a complete stranger with no screening on short notice..right?
Originally Posted by BBWDeAnna
Certainly, but that applies only to a subset of clients. For my own situation, I have 24 okays and can generally see anyone I want with no fuss at all. Just because a newbie can't pull it off doesn't mean it wouldn't be valuable for those that can. It's a specious argument.
So call your faves..you have just as good of odds as them being available that way as u do reading a board...i love when guys act like its so hard to find available pussy..in a market like this..nwa has a handful of women mostly who dont tour..many you have seen multiple times..its not like your weeding thru 100's of choices like dallas or houston or austin..no..you have what..5..maybe 10 really active girls? Call em..odds are you get in..
Originally Posted by BBWDeAnna
How many providers have you called to make a short notice appointment with? None? So how are you an expert on whether you get in or not on a short notice call? I never said it was hard to find. It isn't, at all, at least not for me and I'm the only one I can speak for. It can be hard to find someone on very short notice during a specific range of time,
especially in a small market with limited choices. That's why more information would be helpful.
Fuck..let me make it simple...just scan coed and u will find a threAD from some.available lady with her sig line written in a manner to make it known she is available and givr her a call..problem solved
Originally Posted by BBWDeAnna
Well, thank you for making it so simple for all of us idiots that think we know our preferences better than you know them.