Actually is owned by the Church of Latter Day Saints.
Originally Posted by arealone
Very interesting.
Originally Posted by Vannah
I may be oversimplifying things a bit, but basically a doctrine of LDS faith is that living members of the LDS church can undergo baptism and other "ordinances" of the faith by proxy for their dead ancestors. For that reason, genealogical research has been a big interest of Mormons for most of the religion's history (so living Mormons can determine the dead ancestors they need to perform their proxy ordinances for), and the church has compiled some of the most extensive genealogical research resources available in the US (up to and including copies of all available public genealogy records stored in nuclear-blast proof bunkers, IIRC), and they have never restricted access to those materials to Mormons only. So it's no surprise if is owned by the church; it would be in keeping with their past practice pre-Internet.