Spoken like the true uncaring asshole you are.
You are not able to shine his shoes.
The man is at the end of his life, wish you were.
Originally Posted by bamscram
So, you think John McCain should remain in his position even though he will not be able to perform most of his duties as a Senator. Is that fair to the people of Arizona that they will not have a full time Senator representing their interests in Washington? He talked about how important it was for the Senate Republican healthcare bill to go thru the committee process. But, because of his terminal cancer, he will not be able to be there to be a part of this process. He should devote his final days to being with his family and friends IMO. For these reasons, I think he should resign.
I have a lot of respect for John McCain even though I don't agree with some of the positions he has taken recently. What Trump said about him was stupid, IMO. He had a get out of jail card when the North Vietnamese offered to free him because he was the son and grandson of Navy admirals. He saw thru their propaganda play and told them to go to hell, that he would be released, along with the other prisoners, in the order that he was captured and detained in accordance to the US Code of Military Justice. For that, he was subjected to torture and solitary confinement. For that, he was most certainly a hero!
I don't give a shit what a retarded little faggot like you thinks about me! I stand by my statement! Now, go crawl back underneath your rock and leave the discussion to grown ups.