Who thinks I'm crazy for using my face pic as my Avatar?

I think anyone who posts their face on hooker boards are crazy, but hey, that's their perogative ��
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
Evelyn u look soooo delicious! I can't wait to taste u!!
Precious_b's Avatar
If you ever been arrested, should consider the mugshot picture.
And a name change to your SID #

I always wondered if people think that is me in the Avatar. I won't say which one
But I do use my name as my handle. So that might help those figure out which one I possibly am in the Avatar
HUMP!'s Avatar
  • HUMP!
  • 10-13-2017, 09:17 PM
Just that when you walk by, the general public may whisper between themselves, "We know where he's hoing, er, going."
levi tab's Avatar
robexar's Avatar
That’s your real face?
I always thought it was just some mug shot you found on the internet.
How ‘bout a smile?

Kidding, for single guys - I still would not do it.
But you are single and retired so just smile in your next pic.

Party On!
Yeah I don't think it's very smart to do that, alot of the ladies won't show their faces even. You're just a proud monger I guess.
John4229's Avatar
Posting your actual photo to this board is indiscreet, but is indiscretion crazy? It would be crazy for me, likely for most people, but whether it’s crazy for you depends …

If you have an SO, kids, or other family who’d be socially embarrassed if it were known their husband/dad is in the hobby, it’s reckless and crazy to be indiscreet.

If your professional status or esteem in the workplace would be damaged, such that your career (or even employment) would be harmed if it were known you are in the hobby, it’s reckless and crazy to be indiscreet.

There may be other ways in which being identified as a hobbyist will do real damage to yourself and others – those are the first two that come to mind. And the bottom line is this: that crazy is doing things that can do serious damage.

So if you’re socially isolated and independently wealthy – no family to embarrass, no worries about your professional image – then you’ve got nothing to lose, so there’s nothing to be harmed by your indiscretion. Not reckless. Not crazy.

But I also recognize that being in the hobby at all is a little reckless and crazy … so it may be throwing stones from my own little glass house to say so
Dick Fitzenwell's Avatar
Who gives a fuck?

Do you need some sort of attention?
GeorgeDRII's Avatar
I think some of the ladies who see my face feel a little comfort in knowing it's me coming and not someone they've never seen. But again one of those kitty Kat shots would be cool too.
toutiorix's Avatar
I souldn't post my face. My vatar is a nude body pic of myself. I've good response from the providers.
snoogins70's Avatar
I think you're NUCKIN FUTS dude, but whatever floats your boat i guess. A lot of good points were made on the subject already. I have an SO, family, community organizations, and business associates (some or several of which probably are on here as well) that I would either lose, embarrass, or be judged by, and that would really suck ass to have to deal with, along with several other repercussions that would follow.
There's a few guys who will send a pic before an appointment via email or text. That's a little better in my humble opinion
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
There's a few guys who will send a pic before an appointment via email or text. That's a little better in my humble opinion Originally Posted by lovelyevelyn

GeorgeDRII's Avatar
I've heard from some ladies that some guys sent pics and it was them like 10 to 15 years ago. I was like datum, a provider getting catfished! That's kind of funny but not. Maybe when I do for see u KKA I will get a picture of ur sweet tasting Kitty. Evelyn if u don't want me to use a pic of ur kitty that's ok. I still want to taste u!!