the George Bush groping problem

VitaMan's Avatar
Now Senator Barton from TX

A football team wins some of the time....
A baseball team wins some of the time....
A hockey team wins some of the time.....

But - sex always wins
Chung Tran's Avatar
you're the second guy I've seen post that Barton is a Senator.. he is not.. he is a Representative, as in House of Representatives.. Congressman for short.. but not a Senator.

don't let me forget to write what he is.. a hypocritical scumbag
bigwill832's Avatar
Now we all know not a damned thing is going to happen to any of the people being accused. It's been waaaaaaay too long for many of them, the timing on many is suspect, and they are politicians and millionaires (so the laws don't apply to them anyway).
VitaMan's Avatar
Barton has a dick pic shot circulating that he sent, accompanied by expressive language. No elected official can survive that. He's done.

Franken is from liberal state Minnesota, except for matters of sex, family, and church. Only 22% want him to stay in office. He's finished too.
ck1942's Avatar
May be my imagination, but as former president doesn't GHWB have 24x7 Secret Service agents guarding him?
Chung Tran's Avatar
Barton has a dick pic shot circulating that he sent, accompanied by expressive language. No elected official can survive that. He's done.

Franken is from liberal state Minnesota, except for matters of sex, family, and church. Only 22% want him to stay in office. He's finished too. Originally Posted by VitaMan
I hope you're right.. I'm too cynical regarding longstanding voter apathy, to hop on board with your beliefs. Barton is a 32-year Congressman, no Democrat can win his District.. and I don't know if a challenger can pull enough funds.. I did read he is considering not running again, maybe that is a precursor to bowing out? Franken is a Jackass, he never struck me as a serious legislator.

May be my imagination, but as former president doesn't GHWB have 24x7 Secret Service agents guarding him? Originally Posted by ck1942
he does, in fact I had to wait on them while in your fair city a year ago, when myself and the Bush's attended the Barbra Streisand concert.
VitaMan's Avatar
Now Matt Lauer down in flames - and he had a secret button to lock his office door from the inside
Damned powerful liberaltards.
VitaMan's Avatar
Barton knocked out - exits.

Who will be next.......perhaps Geraldo ?
VitaMan's Avatar
Big announcement by Al Franken on Thursday. What is it going to be ?

A good bet is he announces he is not seeking re election, maybe wants to spend more time with.....his family.....
VitaMan's Avatar
Franken knocked out - resigns.

Sex remains always wins.