Why no text messaging?

shorty's Avatar
Guess I could make an exception for you Naomi, if ED isn't the jealous type!!
I don't text because I don't have time to sit down, exchange texts for 15 minutes on a conversation that could've taken place with a call and shortened my time to 5 minutes if even that.

I don't have the patience and most importantly, I hate it. But, I will admit to accepting texts from a short list of people.
I like texting so I KNOW that I did not get something mixed up. If I drive an 40 minutes to see someone then sit there for an hour calling or worse yet get a room and then she calls back 3 hrs. Later when you are out o the area and says that I had the day or time wrong. Not so I can bash her but so that I know she is unreliable and her fault and move on.

I think most girls don't like texting because 1) some of us use a prepaid phone for the hobby which is usually annoying to text on or all the minutes are run up from a few texts 2) Most ladies have their number listed in a add and I would figure about 95% of texts are guys who will never book but just want to send nasty messages + pics of their cocks .I am sure after your screened if you tell a girl you may have to text it would be fine . Originally Posted by AmericanGeisha

I don't text because I don't have time to sit down, exchange texts for 15 minutes on a conversation that could've taken place with a call and shortened my time to 5 minutes if even that.

I don't have the patience and most importantly, I hate it. But, I will admit to accepting texts from a short list of people. Originally Posted by MsElena
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I like talking over the phone over texting however being hearing impaired when it cones to details such as an adress or room number I prefer text. It eliminates maybe not hearing correctly. If you think texting is annoying trust me it's much more annoying being asked to repeat yourself repeatedly.
I usually set everything up through email, but will give my number for text purposes only the day of the appointment. I have a regular job so I can't take calls about my extra activities at work, but I can send a text to confirm where we are meeting and what time. I also use to in case one of us is running late due to a meeting or being held up at work. But I also make it clear that I can't have long text conversations, it is better to email for that.
My "real phone" is an iphone, which is easy to text on. My " provider phone" is a cheap throwaway boost. It is a pain in the ass to text on. One or two texts are ok, but I CAN'T have a conversation via text.

I prefer e-mail, because I can go back to review conversations/references. It is just easier to stay organized.
JohnMacnab's Avatar
Having high frequency hearing loss it is difficult to understand female voices over a cell phone. The higher pitch the voice the less I hear. Texting prevents misunderstanding and a lot of requests to repeat things. But it is completely understandable that providers want to hear the man's voice before agreeing to a date.
I don't text because I don't have time to sit down, exchange texts for 15 minutes on a conversation that could've taken place with a call and shortened my time to 5 minutes if even that.

I don't have the patience and most importantly, I hate it. But, I will admit to accepting texts from a short list of people. Originally Posted by MsElena
I agree - one phone call will clear up all of the questions...the same questions that are asked over and over again.

On second thought I could just program some canned messages into my phone:
Yes that's really me.
Yes I'm a natural blonde.
No, I don't want to be your girlfriend.
  • Sami
  • 05-21-2011, 12:32 PM
I don't like texting. I will only except text only if I have seen you before,or have been screened and ready to book.
1) I don't have time to carry on with bullshit... I do have a life too
2) It to me, is so easy for confusion..
3) If you text me first, you clearly did not read my info. That's irritating
4) I really prefer to hear a voice.

I do understand there are times we can not talk, I have those times to. But we wouldn't have these rules set for ourselves if some haven't crossed the boundaries so many times.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
All the reasons americangeisha and naomi stated.

And also I'd rather hear a voice....I usually can hear bs better than I can read through it when it comes to making an appt
I prefer to set things up through email, then move on to the phone whether it be texting or talking. Texting is a little easier for me because I'm always on the move and can't be speaking hobby business when I'm walking around campus or something LOL but I can sure text it!
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I don't care for it because it's basically a one way communication. You have no way of knowing if it has been received unless you receive an acknowledgement.
I had a situation recently where a text message was sent to me, but did not show up on my phone for 2 1/2 days. Because it was being sent from a phone that I had never contacted before I did not have a number to contact to check in regard to the appointment.
Needless to say I missed my appointment and some very hard feelings ensued, not the good kind.

KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar

Texting takes longer and we are busy.

Plus, it helps to talk to the person because you can get a better idea about them, who they are, if they sound creepy, if they say the wrong things. Many good and bad things can be discovered. As far as texting, only with my regulars, and only if I have the time- otherwise they need to call me.

oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 05-24-2011, 05:51 PM
Permanent records of texts are kept on the server and can be subpenaed after the fact. Phone calls have to have a court order beforehand.