Have you ever FARTED during a session?

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcQflrT304g"]YouTube- fart in bed[/ame]

Good thing they were not smoking in bed.
xperiment's Avatar
Not ever in a session. Did once with my ex and so did she. You know when your relaxed when that happens. So take it as a compliment. Never laughed so hard.

Did it go something like this?...YouTube- Family Guy - Super Fart Song Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Sadly my ass was never that good at Karaoke, could never carry tune even in a bucket. I know my ass is lame.

@ Makenzee:
We both kinda pretended it didn't happen but the room immediately filled with a heavy rotten egg odor that just wouldn't go away!!!!!
Heff Originally Posted by Mr. Heffner

That my friend is called a lingerer....

I usually blame the dog... helps if the dog is in the room though.

I have. I had been having digestive issues for the previous day or two. I hadn't had a problem in over 12 hours. I thought I was in the clear so I set an appointment with a provider. We were going at it hard in K9, when one escaped while I was cumming. It was loud and noxious. She heard it, because after she cleaned me up she asked if I was ok. Told her about my issues and how I thought they were over. She just laughed.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
Years ago we were going at it hot and heavy mish when:

buurrraAAAKKKK! PUtt, Putt, putt...

I could feel her "wind" against my balls. Then the smell hit...

"Did I just fuck the shit out of you?"

"Apparently so..." She laughed.

We had to abandon the bedroom and finish on the couch.
To funny,I can say that has never happened to me.
Torito's Avatar
Years ago we were going at it hot and heavy mish when:

buurrraAAAKKKK! PUtt, Putt, putt...

I could feel her "wind" against my balls. Then the smell hit...

"Did I just fuck the shit out of you?"

"Apparently so..." She laughed.

We had to abandon the bedroom and finish on the couch. Originally Posted by DFK Hunter
I have had similar to that once each with two different providers. Similar comments, too.

Deja Dubois's Avatar
WTF....? A fart? Pussy fart? Does a fart actually take place during a session? Im sorry, but we'd both have to fuckin laugh together. It'd be one session I would remember.

Deja Dubois'
Olebear's Avatar
You are a HOOT!!!!!!!!!!
Sparkplug's Avatar
Too funny, great read so far.

NO, and I hope it never happens to me! But thanks, I really needed a laugh to tears.
  • Rebel
  • 02-23-2010, 09:46 PM
Damn! All I can say is I hope you tipped her well....
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Never hapenned before and I have no clue what I would do. BUTT, look on the bright side, at least it wasn't during BBBJ when she was on her knees. You know at that point she won't be doing TUMA or going below the balls in the future. ROFLMAOL TFF!
Being a massage therapist, you would be AMAZED at the number of times this has happened. People just get SOOOOO relaxed!

In a more sensual situation, no, hasn't happened before.

Poor people involved! Funny but sad... I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.