Temporary Houston Staff Addition

99% of people in Houston are great people. The rest of them post on shmb's.
auknowho's Avatar
Thank you for helping out JB!
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Does he have training in hearding cats?
notanewbie's Avatar
John Bull is a very very bad man.

but he is probably fair. Welcome.
  • pyro
  • 02-25-2010, 08:35 PM
No thanks dear, being a mod has always been a thankless job. As it is I have to excercise restraint when posting. Usually I do nothing as someone has beat me to the punch so why throw gas onto the pyre. It's hard sometimes because I'm too much like a champagne bottle so somethings wants to come out where I want it to or not.
Already it is apparent who is here using multiple handles. Just as the hobby is addictive, there are those addicted to dominating boards and their writing styles consistantly betray this. Sometimes they post under the wrong handle as they can't resist jumping into the fray to push their agenda. (sorry for the rant)
A mods job has always been a pain where an aspirin won't reach.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Folks John Bull will be helping us out with moderating here in Houston for the time being while we look for new local moderators.


LAP Originally Posted by lickalotapus
Excellent, Smithers, it's all going according to plan....

Cool!! Now, total hell can be raised in Diamonds & Tuxedos as being the sheriff of Dodge City AND Tombstone is much more than a full town job!!!

Condolences, JB! I wouldn't wish this job on my worst enemy!!!

JB, we hardly knew ye....

(All of the above stated with tongue planted firmly in cheek, of course!)
Sisyphus's Avatar
99% of people in Houston are great people. The rest of them post on shmb's. Originally Posted by Big Jake
Thank God JB doesn't have to moderate that too!!!!
dearhunter's Avatar
No I'm hispanic.
Oh yeah you're not funny you try too hard. Originally Posted by carkido45
That cuts it for me.......I don't like hispanics. So, hell no on minikido.

What's the over/under on how long it takes JB to become a dead mod on the other board?
pyramider's Avatar
13 days
pyramider's Avatar
Already it is apparent who is here using multiple handles. Just as the hobby is addictive, there are those addicted to dominating boards and their writing styles consistantly betray this. Sometimes they post under the wrong handle as they can't resist jumping into the fray to push their agenda. (sorry for the rant)
A mods job has always been a pain where an aspirin won't reach. Originally Posted by pyro

Surely multiple handles are forbidden.

I had six on the p, of varying activity, including a provider that was provider of the day once. They said it could not be done. I said okey dokey. Done.
dearhunter's Avatar
I knew there were 3 sides to you.............
notanewbie's Avatar
including a provider that was provider of the day once. They said it could not be done. I said okey dokey. Done. Originally Posted by pyramider

worst part is you probably had WK's and multiple orgasms per your glowing reviews.
carkido45's Avatar
worst part is you probably had WK's and multiple orgasms per your glowing reviews. Originally Posted by notanewbie
That's funny !!!! Boardman and Carl take notes.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 02-26-2010, 07:28 AM
You're right! That's a classic.

But does that mean you didn't put me on ignore? Why not?
boardman's Avatar
Taking notes....................
CK45 thinks notanewbie is funny. Does that make you his WK? Just asking.