So is Austin scene dead?

Agent220's Avatar
For me, it's been far from dead.
I've seen 4 Austin ladies,this summer,all for the first
time, and all rocked my world. Originally Posted by Groovy Johnson

I've been busy as qell

I've been busy as qell Originally Posted by Agent220
You owe me flowers

Austin has been anything but dead for me personally. For a independent Thai girl business is booming!!!
3daygetaway's Avatar
Summer has historically slowed, or at least that’s what the providers would have us believe. People always say Austinites are so friendly, when they are visiting from out of town. I tell them: it is nice until halfway through July, all of August, and half of September – – during those times everyone hates everyone else, because it’s too damn hot! I would imagine the hobby market experiences this seasonal malaise as well
winn dixie's Avatar
Summer has historically slowed, or at least that’s what the providers would have us believe. People always say Austinites are so friendly, when they are visiting from out of town. I tell them: it is nice until halfway through July, all of August, and half of September – – during those times everyone hates everyone else, because it’s too damn hot! I would imagine the hobby market experiences this seasonal malaise as well Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
I already hate some of these mother foooockers here
Rossboss's Avatar
It's dead.
cripplecreek's Avatar
Not sure if it’s dead but i’ve been getting some crickets when i’ve reached out to a couple certain providers. Don’t know what that’s about.
  • LOJ
  • 07-12-2018, 08:00 PM
Many guys have LTFs with which they get grandfathered rates. Why take a chance on a new provider with higher rates and screening hurdles when the LTFs are ready and waiting. Many guys are no longer writing reviews because of new laws, so it may appear that things have slowed down while a lot of activity is still happening--it's just not being talked about on eccie or in public.

Things seem a little more active over on the OH2 board, but how long will they be able to operate with new laws taking effect? Suggest the use of both eccie and OH2 to assess current level of activity. Maintain your private contact list, just in case either or both boards go away in the future. Originally Posted by RustyBalls
This is a very good summary of what many of us are doing.
  • LOJ
  • 07-12-2018, 08:02 PM
For me, it's been far from dead.
I've seen 4 Austin ladies,this summer,all for the first
time, and all rocked my world. Originally Posted by Groovy Johnson
Well done. You're in really groove, Groovy!
For me, it has been dead for a while... but for a different reason. Way before BP shut down. The "race card" was keeping me from mongering like I wanted to. It was always no blks which made me mad. Heck I was able to sweet talk some in the past and had repeated returns but even they shut down completely.

Made me think, welcome back Jim Crow. After BP shut down, I see a lot of ladies venting on Twitter talking about that new bill hurting them and bla bla bla.

Well it has save me a lot of money which I still have nothing better to do with it..
Smpslt7's Avatar
Is Austin dead? Only if you’re jaded. I’m enjoying myself, meeting some wonderful women. Lots more to meet!
Business is slow in Austin because 1) asking rates are too high and 2) screening process is bs. Originally Posted by Bulaninni1

I don't think this is true. I've been on Eccie for over three years and I don't think the level of caution has gone up much. I've reached out to four providers in the past three years. Each was newbie friendly, but each needed real name, ID, social media, and I can't give that. I understand the caution from the providers and I don't begrudge any one passing on me because they need to feel safe. I have yet to find a hook-up through eccie, but I'm not really in a rush, and money certainly isn't an issue.

I've been considering an agency. Can anyone comment on whether a) they need references and b) they give references?
monica austin1's Avatar
For me .... returning after 2 years of traveling, meditating, writing, soul searching, etc .... it has been awesome.... many of my Eccie friends are back, getting to know new gents! A bit more screening ... but patience pays off.
OH2? Originally Posted by Redblade1972

I'll PM it to you. You can't really post links openly on the board but PMs can cut down on confusion.

On topic:

I haven't seen anyone from Eccie in a good while and have been using it mostly for intel and entertainment. There are a few exceptions (Apple Aimee for one) but the intersection of price and service just isn't worth it for me. For the most part what you get has gone down while the prices have stayed the same or gone slightly up. And much more of a hassle.

I'm still very far from being priced out but that still doesn't make it a good deal. Say I can afford $300 dollars an hour because I can. In order to see her I have to go through unreasonable screening at which point I dip out. When I see her if the screening is fair and safe for me I often find a girl that acts like she's doing me a favor while providing a level of service well below "GFE." And I do not get the full hour. "You get what you pay for" does not apply.

Now let's take the price point out of it. SweetAsheigh is indeed very sweet and one of the best deals in the business. $ for .5 works but she's been harder to get hold of at a convenient time. The key term here is "convenient." Different guys have different reasons for being in the hobby but that's what it is for me.

I still occasionally see some girls. I'll definitely see Apple Aimee. I've seen Lyric more than anyone else. Both women have a great attitude and while we've seen each other often enough that they get personal they don't use that against me. On the business side they are fair (Though I suppose that's Marley's fairness on Aimee's end.) Mystique X is also one of the very best girls I've ever seen in and out of the hobby and we click together well. She undercuts the going "top tier" rate while providing even better service. I don't see her anymore because she wanted to get *too* personal and got disrespectful when I wouldn't reciprocate. She'd still be outstanding for literally everyone else.

The key here is respect from both ends of the arrangement. Something that for most of the girl's here is not on the menu.

One thing I've discovered since the new regs came out and this became a great deal less convenient is that dating is seemingly a great deal less inconvenient. If you're going for "getting what you pay for" and have even a bit of social skills why would I ever see anyone from here?

I'm not trying to be mean. I'm trying to be honest.
monica austin1's Avatar
Dear KilleenInformer,
It must be really “hard” to make a decision between seeing an Eccie girl or going on a “match” date!
By the time you get your date flowers, something shiny, (something blue for you for good luck), you take her to Vespaio or Pearl for dinner, you buy the $120 Chardonnay and you take her to enjoy a live band .... you “invested” few hundred ... she may or may not be in the mood and she may or may not know what to do with a very sensitive body part of yours .... a date in the “real” world is like the lottery ... you win or you loose ... a diamonds and tuxedos girl knows exactly what to do and you know exactly what you get !