Trump Is Russian Operative

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
If you support him, So are you Originally Posted by themystic

you really know your stuff!
As soon as Trump was given briefings when running for President Russia suddenly started to kill or arrest.US intelligent assets in Russia Originally Posted by BigLouie
I guess that is why they have found no evidence of collusion?
themystic's Avatar
I guess that is why they have found no evidence of collusion? Originally Posted by friendly fred
The Mueller report hasn't been released. Every time Trump gets caught lying he just tells a new story. Its not "if" they find evidence its a matter of how bad they want to embarrass our country. Hes guilty as fuck Fred
The Mueller report hasn't been released. Every time Trump gets caught lying he just tells a new story. Its not "if" they find evidence its a matter of how bad they want to embarrass our country. Hes guilty as fuck Fred Originally Posted by themystic
Guess you never bothered to actually read your own story did you? ZERO evidence this fairy tale ever happened. Just like Mule-er. ZERO evidence. Enjoy 6 more years of Trump.
themystic's Avatar
Guess you never bothered to actually read your own story did you? ZERO evidence this fairy tale ever happened. Just like Mule-er. ZERO evidence. Enjoy 6 more years of Trump. Originally Posted by Lantern2814
Hi Lantern Im not going to pick on you because of your limited understanding of politics or current events. Thats not fair of me because I dont know the circumstances of your life. I will pray for you Lantern. Im going to say the St Francis prayer for you right now. I hope things get better for you. Much love and compassion my Friend
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Our only hope is that the illegal aliens crossing our southern border slip up and accidentally reveal themselves to be Right to Life, NRA card carrying White male Christain Russian citizens who seek more opportunity, less government and lower taxes.
bamscram's Avatar
Trump did admit twice on national TV the reason he fired Comey was because he would not stop the Russia investigation.
  • oeb11
  • 01-13-2019, 05:37 PM
Our only hope is that the illegal aliens crossing our southern border slip up and accidentally reveal themselves to be Right to Life, NRA card carrying White male Christain Russian citizens who seek more opportunity, less government and lower taxes. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I like Russians
themystic's Avatar
I like Russians Originally Posted by fishingtwo
You should consider moving there
You should consider moving there Originally Posted by themystic
Plenty already here
So Manafort tells some Russian something that he could have heard on any Main Stream Media or Cable TV newscast.

In the mean time the FBI is investigating a sitting President because he got more Electorial Votes than Hillary Clinton.
themystic's Avatar
Plenty already here Originally Posted by fishingtwo
I like em to. I just don't wanting them running the country
themystic's Avatar
So Manafort tells some Russian something that he could have heard on any Main Stream Media or Cable TV newscast.

In the mean time the FBI is investigating a sitting President because he got more Electorial Votes than Hillary Clinton. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Its getting worse Jackie, not better
Its getting worse Jackie, not better Originally Posted by themystic
This is almost as big a “bombshell” as that NYT piece about how the FBI was investigating President Trump........and found nothing.