Thanks for nothing AOC!!!!!!!

Preach it Waco! That's hysterical - oh the joy of AOC!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Preach it Waco! That's hysterical - oh the joy of AOC! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
let me let you in on a secret .. the libs here think i'm kidding. i'm not.

more on that shortly ...

[QUOTE=The_Waco_Kid;1061284151]This woman is the greatest thing to happen to the Republican party since Abe Lincoln.QUOTE]


But hey no worries.....mystic wants to tap her AND Pelosi in a 3-way. So this little socialist-skank must have some redeeming factors....right?
themystic's Avatar
[QUOTE=Chateau Becot;1061284698]
This woman is the greatest thing to happen to the Republican party since Abe Lincoln.QUOTE]


But hey no worries.....mystic wants to tap her AND Pelosi in a 3-way. So this little socialist-skank must have some redeeming factors....right? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Id really like an over night with the two of them. I need to do it soon. Nancy's getting on up there in the years. I don't want to hurt her
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
themystic knows his stuff!! about socialism!!

Nancy wasn't bad back in her early (EARLY) days.....

….wonder how many time Jack tapped that 20 year old ass back in the day?

Nancy wasn't bad back in her early (EARLY) days.....

….wonder how many time Jack tapped that 20 year old ass back in the day?

Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Hell, he fucked just about anything with a pulse. He’s definitely eyeing those “DD’s”.
winn dixie's Avatar
You know jfk raw dawged that ho.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
She sees a republican and spreads her legs! Whose your daddy! W in back ground.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Oh you guys would ,,,,,
gfejunkie's Avatar
I knew she was a moron, but I didn't realize she was a traitorous moron...
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah " more of a hero they Vets " Socialism at its best right there , I guess she s to dumb to understand the freedom she has came from the Vets
  • oeb11
  • 02-21-2019, 08:28 AM
I knew she was a moron, but I didn't realize she was a traitorous moron... Originally Posted by gfejunkie

It is truly offensive to elevate an avowed enemy of America - who left the US and gave aid and comfort to ISIS - an avowed violent terrorist enemy of America and its's values, above our Veterans who gave their time,service. blood, and on occasion, lives to the defense of our freedoms. Let the woman stay where she is - rather than importing a known supporter of terrorism into our country. Or, let her in to face charges of aiding and abetting terrorism , as many men returning have had to face - and prison time. After prison - deport her back where she came from.

That is a foul Post by AOC - reflects her true Socialist -Totalitarian enmity of our representative Democracy. She has a right to state her opinion - but in her Socialist future America - there will be no freedom of speech and no opinion other tha DPST.

AOC, Bernie, and the rest of the DPST's are true enemies of Democracy and the freedoms we have fought , and some died to preserve.

Let's see TM,SC/YR and the rest of the nut-case Socialsits who love her spin this idiocy!!!
Let her talk - she will convince thoughtful voters where she stands, and be defeated in 2020 primary. . Let her talk - and expose her, and her DPST ilk, hatred of what is good about this country! Let her talk - and as Waco Kid predicted - she will split the DPST's into oblivion! I hope so!
winn dixie's Avatar
Both are disgusting human beings. aoc should be made to go and live in a cave and shit in holes like her traitor hero.