Maybe it’s time to give the stars a rest?

There is another game you can go all the way down Originally Posted by Rockydoc
I’m flattered that you remember!
austin88998833's Avatar
Or limbo! How low can you go? Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
austin88998833's Avatar
Ah, I see we are back down to two stars again . Come on folks, is that all you got? Give me some more 1’s. I did. Just voted it a one. Think of it as a golf score. The lower the better, lol. Originally Posted by austin88998833
It seems to be that we have a contrarian in our midst. Just like that we are back up to 3 stars damnit! Tiger Woods didn’t make his comeback to win the Masters last weekend by shooting double bogeys every other hole.
Double bogey every other hole, hmmmm. Falling inline with RockyDoc’s comment, I am all of a sudden sensing a double entendre here, lol!
Exchequer's Avatar
Austin I haven't been here all that long but I am thinking you are speaking out of character. Shouldn't golfnutt be using the golf references and you the YT songs

Tiger Woods didn’t make his comeback to win the Masters last weekend by shooting double bogeys every other hole.
Double bogey every other hole, hmmmm. Originally Posted by austin88998833
As always trying to break the drama with a tiny bit humor!
austin88998833's Avatar
Ha! More spot on you could not be! I am definitely not the one to be using golf references! I suck at golf, hadn’t touched my clubs in 10 yrs. Most definitely let’s give deference to Golfnutt in this area! I would be more like the Rodney Dangerfield character in Caddyshack, only my golf game is even worse!
g0lfnutt's Avatar
I try to refrain from too many golf references but sometimes I just can’t help myself. That’s why I always wear two pairs of case I get a hole in one. Bwaaaa!

Austin I haven't been here all that long but I am thinking you are speaking out of character. Shouldn't golfnutt be using the golf references and you the YT songs

As always trying to break the drama with a tiny bit humor! Originally Posted by Exchequer
boblawblog's Avatar
i never knew where the stars came from...
Welcome back Bob
Hot Summer's Avatar
You are a star Austin! Hahaha
Zenovia's Avatar
I really never paid attention to the stars but since you brought it up my dahhhling Austin, i gave you an excellent rating only because you truly deserve it
austin88998833's Avatar
Why thank you my sweet Zenovia!
i never knew where the stars came from... Originally Posted by boblawblog
They are huge balls of matter in space with so much mass the internal gravity pressure causes fusion of Hydrogen into helium. Any other questions?