Harris joins impeachment call during Democratic town hall

lustylad's Avatar
That's a lot of gibberish your spouting there Pajama Boy. Show me the single case of infanticide. You cant because it doesn't exist in America. What someone says is proof? You truly are a Trump devotee living in a make believe world. You really should spend more time focusing on the living rather than the unborn. Maybe if the Republicans spent more time on the living there would be less incidents like the Tree of Life killings Originally Posted by themystic
Keep posting, mystic. You provide a valuable public service. Your posts are highly instructive for everyone.

You go out of your way to troll and bait and offend us all. Whenever you have your ass handed to you, you pretend nothing happened.

Your comments demolish the myth that Republicans are uncaring and insensitive and lack empathy. You provide living, breathing proof it is the dim-retards of the world who lack any moral compass or sense of decency.

This simple truth bears repeating over and over again:

The dim-retards are the party of infanticide. Their Governors, Cuomo in New York and Northam in Virginia, openly brag to the pussy-hat crowd about making it legal to kill newborn babies.

They have truly lost their souls.

Show me the money shot MU. Right wingers have lost all credibility. I need evidence son Originally Posted by themystic
You got your ass handed to you...now run off with your tail
between your legs.
You know images like that can't be posted here...nice try though!!
There are plenty of images out there...I take it you have the ability to research.
As you say...take the olive branch...Christ would be proud of you!!
Right wingers have lost all credibility. Originally Posted by themystic
And the left wing loons are full of it...
lustylad's Avatar
What do you want? A video of them crying as their spinal cord is severed by the abortion Doc? Originally Posted by Muscleup
Mystic is probably looking for something a little more graphic than that. What's really sick is the way he purports to be a Christian in his fake online eccie persona.
  • oeb11
  • 04-24-2019, 09:17 AM
SomeOne is a Mooslim like Obama and wants to marry Omar - and sleep with her and her brother for a lifetime.
I B Hankering's Avatar
According to Islamic belief, the baby is not an individual until the 3rd-4th month after birth when the soul enters the body. Plenty of time.
Personally, I think that abortion should be legal until the kid moves out of the house.
That would decimate the democrat voters though.